


Title : 完成歯再植後の治癒過程に関する実験的研究 -歯根膜血管網の形態学的変化について-
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 円谷由利, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 24
Number : 4
Page : 630-652
Year/Month : 1990 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 歯の再植術は何らかの原因により脱臼あるいは逸脱された歯を再びもとの歯槽窩内に植立させることにより, 傷害された歯周組織の再生, 咬合機能の回復を期待するもので外科的保存療法の一方法である. 再植の試みは古くより行われており, 1594年Ambroise Pareにより初めて記載され以来実験的並びに臨床的に数多くの報告がなされており, それら研究の多くはX線診査や病理組織学的診査から得られる歯根の形態変化や再植歯周囲組織の変化を主に観察しており, 臨床的には再植歯の生着期間や技術面に関する研究がほとんどである. Andreasen (1971)は, 再植術に対する歯周組織の多様な反応とそれらが予後に及ぼす影響について報告しており, 再植後の歯根膜の治癒を1)正常歯根膜による治癒 2)骨性癒着による治癒(置換性の吸収) 3)炎症性吸収の3タイプに分類した. 再植歯の治癒は咬合機能上から1)の過程すなわち正常な歯根膜での生着による回復が望まれるが, これに関しては種々の具体的研究があり, 再植歯の口腔外放置時間及び再植後の固定期間などによる歯根膜への影響や, 根完成歯では歯髄処置, また歯根膜の保存性などが関与すると言われている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯の再植, 創傷治癒, 歯根膜血管網, 血管鋳型法, SEM


Title : An Experimental Study on Healing Process of Replanted Mature Parmanent Teeth -Changes of Periodontal Vascular Network-
Subtitle :
Authors : Yuri TSUMURAYA, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 24
Number : 4
Page : 630-652
Year/Month : 1990 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: This study was conducted to clarify both changes of periodontal vascular architecture and concomitant remodelling phenomena associated with hard tissues in the healing process of replanted teeth of first premolar. Utilizing both vascular corrosive resin casts method, scanning electron microscopy, and histological examinations, 45 matured mongrel dogs were used for this study. The results were as follows : 1. 4 days after operation : Newly formed vascular networks with a exceedingly irregular course were observed on lower two thirds of the alveolar wall. They derived from comparatively less damaged periodontal vascular components. No vascular networks were observed surrounding in the crevicular area of the replanted tooth where the periodontal membrane tissue was thorughly damaged when tooth was extracted. 2. 1 week after operation : Newly formed periodontal vascular networks with a slightly irregular course were observed over the entire alveolar bone surface. 3. 2 weeks after operation : Formation of Sharpey's fibers occurred. The surrounding alveolar bone was remodelled and rearrangement of periodontal vascular architecture was observed. Also, several Howship's lacunae were observed on the root surface where characteristic capillary loops with glomerular-like appearance penetrated into these lacunae. 4. 3 weeks after operation : Root resorption was advanced and capillary loops with glomerular-like appearance were extensively distributed in association with each lacunae. On the other hand, the less space where periodontal membrane vasculature occupied, the more space was occupied by osteoid tissue. 5. 4 weeks after operation : Blood vessels within the periodontal space were reduced in number and the osteoid tissue showed bony fusion adjacent to the extensively resorbing surface of dentin. 6. 12 weeks after operation : Functional arrangement of Sharpey's fibers was completed. Restoration of Howship's lacunae on the root surface and two layered arrangements of vascular network within the periodontal space were observed. Newly formed periodontal vascular architecture showed a fine meshwork pattern, which was somewhat different from that of the control (noreplantation) group. 7. 20 weeks after operation : Increased number of capillary loops was observed with leakage of methacrylate resin through the weakened endothelial linings of capillaries in one case. It is supposed that this leakage through capillaries is correlated with the inflammatory root resorption that occurs clinically in marginal periodontitis. Also in some cases, periodontal capillary network showed secondary occulsal traumatic changes. Above results indicated that periodontal vascular achitecture varied depending upon the reactions of periodontium following tooth replantation and the prognosis of replanted tooth was deeply associated with repair of periodontal vascular network.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : SEM