


Title : 接着性レジンが金属床の変形に及ぼす影響について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 秀島学, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 25
Number : 1
Page : 58-76
Year/Month : 1990 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 義歯設計においては, 生体側や義歯側に対し種々の観点からの配慮が必要である. 生体側については, 支台歯と義歯床下粘膜の被圧変位量の差や局所被圧変位量の差への対処が必要であり, Sohm, Spreng, Voss, Pfeifferら, 大島が荷重部位により局所被圧変位量が異なり床下粘膜への圧の均等配分の困難さを報告している. また, 義歯側については, 機能時の機械的強度や衛生学的配慮などがある. 最近では機械的強度に関しモーダル解析を用いた義歯の動的解析を北條, 三宅, 米谷, 藤沢が行い, 支台装置, 連結装置の形態差やフィニッシングラインの影響等の研究が行われ義歯設計の指針の1つとして報告している. また, デンチャープラークコントロール等の衛生学的配慮の重要性も提唱され, いわゆる義歯性口内炎の研究は病原菌の特定と清掃剤の開発まで研究が進んでいる. また一方, 別の観点から金属とレジンの間に細菌叢が付着しにくい様に高分子材料の研究から金属と接着性を有する4-META含有レジンの応用がなされ, 野首ら, 安田ら, 佐々木らがフィニッシングライン部のレジン破折減少や汚染減少を安田は圧印床と接着性レジンの併用による汚物停滞の抑制について報告している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 接着性レジン, 変形, 金属床


Title : The Influence of the Adhesive Resin for the Deformation of the Metallic Plate.
Subtitle :
Authors : Manabu HIDESHIMA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 25
Number : 1
Page : 58-76
Year/Month : 1990 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: From both vital and denture sides, the design of denture in dental clinic needs taking care of various viewpoints ; alleviation of the adverse effect on the periodontium is necessary on the vital side, and prevention of possible rupture of the denture at its functioning and taking hygienic measures are necessary on the denture side. Utilization of the metal and adhesive, 4-META containing resin (hereinafter referred to as adhesive resin) in the design of denture has been reported to be not only hygienically advantageous because of difficult adhesiveness of bacterial flora due to solid union between the metal and the resin, but also less in danger of the denture rupture from its finishing line portion. However, a few reports have been made on the analysis of the correlation between the mechanical strength of the whole of denture and the use of adhesive rein and on the deformation of the metallic frame due to curing shrinkage of adhesive resin. In the present study, in terms of these problems, utilizing the modal analysis applying a vibratological technique and the strain gauge device appropriate for the determination of the time-course, samples of chrome-cobalt alloy and of partial denture were examined for the influence of inserted adhesive and non-adhesive resins upon them. The following results were obtained : 1. The results of the determination by the strain gauge method revealed that the insertion of adhesive resin tended to have more displacement volume for more insertion volume and for thinner chrome-cobalt alloy sample and that of non-adhesive resin had practically no adhesive force, suggesting a small deformation of the sample due to curing shrinkage, with little interlocking force. 2. The results of modal analysis revealed that the insertion of the adhesive resin onto the denture sample led to an increase in mechanical strength and a rigid body modality of the activity at the finishing line portion compared with the non-adhesive resin. 3. From the results of the determination by the strain gauge method and of the modal analysis, the application of adhesive resin was suggested to increase the intensity of denture.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :