


Title : 第三大臼歯と不正咬合との関連に関する一考察
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 佐藤貞雄, 吉成優子, 村居聖子, 畠山夕子, 折笠みゆき, 鈴木祥井
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 25
Number : 1
Page : 99-108
Year/Month : 1990 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 歯と歯槽基底との大きさの不調和はdiscrepancyと呼ばれ不正咬合の重大な原因の一つと考えられている. とくに大臼歯部のdiscrepancyはposterior discrepancyとして第一大臼歯より前方部のdiscrepancyとは区別され, 不正咬合の成因を考える上での重要な要因となっていることが示唆されている. とくに骨格型不正咬合は, posterior discrepancyに起因する臼歯の咬合面側への押し出し現象によってできた咬合干渉に対する下顎の機能的適応反応の結果, 定着してくるものと考えられる. posterior discrepancyは第一, 第二および第三大臼歯の大きさと歯槽基底の後方部との間のdiscrepancyと考えられるため, これらの歯の大きさと共に第三大臼歯の存在がposterior discrepancy形成にとって重大な要因となっている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 第三大臼歯, 顎骨格形態, 不正咬合


Title : Some Aspects of Third Molars Regarding with the Development of Malocclusions
Subtitle :
Authors : Sadao SATO, Yuko YOSHINARI, Seiko MURAI, Yuko HATAKEYAMA, Miyuki ORIKASA, Yoshii SUZUKI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 25
Number : 1
Page : 99-108
Year/Month : 1990 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Although the orthodontist is constantly aware of the developing third molar and its possible effects on the dentition during and after orthodontic treatment, the relationship between the third molar and the development of malocclusion had not been resolved. To attempt to clarify some of the problems assoociated with the third molar, an analysis of the factor in fluencing on the dentition and denture frame was performed. In this study, twenty-one adult cases which had no prothodontic correction of the tooth shape and orthodontic treatment with at least three wisdom teeth were used for evaluation of the denture frame structure and occlusion. The case which impacted third molar (M3 impacted group) showed less than 25 degree mandibular plane angle (FH-MP) without exception, while the case which the third molar erupted (M3 erupted group) were able to divide into high angle (more than 30 degree of FH-MP) and low angle (less than 29 degree of FH-MP) groups. The M3 impacted with low angle group and M3 erupted with low angle group showed relatively normal occlusion and favorable denture frame structure, but M3 erupted with high angle group indicated that the denture frame composition was affected by posterior discrepancy especially the steepness of occlusal plane which might be the over eruption of posterior teeth. The M3 erupted with high angle group also included two cases of severe anterior open-bite with skeletal deformity. These findings suggest that the posterior discrepancy due to existence of third molars influence on the dento-facial-skeletal structure and development of malocclusions.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :