


Title : Atelocollagen膜移植後の歯周組織再生に関する電顕的観察
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 大場正道*1,*2, 堀俊雄*1, 高橋和人*2
Authors(kana) :
Organization : *1神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第二講座, *2神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 25
Number : 2
Page : 187-208
Year/Month : 1990 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 歯周組織再生誘導法(Guided tissue regeneration technique : GTR法)は, 術後の歯周組織再生を促進させるため, 新付着形式の障害的因子と考えられている上皮の深部増殖や歯肉結合織の増生を, 補助的材料を用いて物理的に抑制し, セメント質形成能を有する歯根膜由来細胞の(PDL細胞)歯根面への集積を図る方法である. GTR法は露出した根面にPDL細胞の再生する場を与えることによって, 歯根膜の再建が可能であるという概念に基づいている. したがって治癒の進行あるいは完了に伴って, 補助的材料は自然に吸収消失することが望まれる. 一方, 生体内吸収性高分子であるatelocollagenは医用材料として優れた生体分子材料として知られている. 筆者らはatelocllagenを膜状に加工してGTR法に応用することを検討し, 化学的架橋処理を施したatelocollagen多孔性膜が, 術後早期から上皮の根尖方向への増殖を抑制し, 歯肉結合織の再生を促進することを明らかにしてきた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : atelocollagen, 電顕的観察, 歯周組織再生誘導法, 新付着


Title : Electron Microscopic Observation for Periodontal Tissue Regeneration after Implantation of Atelocollagen Membrane
Subtitle :
Authors : Masamichi OOBA*1,*2, Tosio Hori*1, Kazuto Takahashi*2
Authors(kana) :
Organization : *1Department of Periodontology, Kanagewa Dental College, *2Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 25
Number : 2
Page : 187-208
Year/Month : 1990 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The purpose of the present study was to clarify wound healing process of periodontal tissue following experimental flap surgery, when applied the guided tissue regeneration (GTR) technique using a cross-linked atelocollagen membrane (AM). Mucoperiosteal flaps ware made on the palatal gingiva of maxillary first molars of rats. The cementum was removed by curettage in order to expose the dentin surface. An AM was implanted into the site of dissection in the experimental group, while the contorol group received no implantation. The resorption processes of AM and wound healing processes of exposed root surface in the experimental group were examined by electron microscopic observation, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days, and 2, 3 months after the implantation. While the wound healing processes of periodontal tissue in the control group were examined at the fine structural level, 2 and 3 months after the flap surgery. The results were as follows. At the resorption processes of AM, the early invasion of a large number of neutrophils appered in the site of of implantaion. Neutrophils were attracted to and adhered to the AM fibers over the first few days after. AM was resolved to fine fibrous structure by the neuterophils between 1 and 3 days. A large number of macrophages appeared in the implanted site between 3 and 7 days, and neutrophils subsided after 5 days. The implanted material was rapidly resolved be macrophages with active phagocytosis, sometimes forming giant cells. Fibroblasts were invading to peripheral gingival connective tissue and were development of microfilament were abserved. The implanted materials were completely resolved after 14 days. In light microscopical findings, of the experimental group, epithelial downgrowth was markedly inhibited, fibrous bundles of the gingival connective tissue were clearly arranged vertical to the root surface and new cementum tissue deposited to the root surface after 21 days. At electron microscopic observation in early stage of healing, dens granular layer (d. g. l.) was prerented to the dentin surface. Aftes 2 or 3 months of the control group, high density fibrous layer increased to the root surface. Connective tissue fiber bundls were paralleled to the root surface. The above results indicate that the GTR technique using an atelocollagen membrane may provide an effective method to promote periodontal tissue regeneration after periodontal surgery.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : atelocollagen