


Title : 4歳児から開始した低濃度フッ化物溶液洗口によるう蝕抑制効果
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 廣川晃司, 飯塚喜一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 25
Number : 2
Page : 221-235
Year/Month : 1990 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 フッ化物洗口法は, フッ化物局所応用法のひとつとして広く世界に普及しているう蝕予防手段である. 近年わが国でも, 幼稚園児や小学生に対して広く行われるようになり, 現在では15万5千人ほどの子供たちに集団応用されているという. そもそもフッ化物の局所応用は, 1942年にフッ化物歯面塗布法がCheyneとBibbyより紹介され, Knutsonらの一連の研究によりその術式が確立されたことに端を発している. しかし, この方法は人手(ことに歯科専門家)と時間がかかるという欠点があるために, 公衆衛生特性を欠くという難点があり, 集団に対しては普及させにくい方法であった. そこでまず, Bibbyらによるフッ化物洗口に関する一連の研究が始まるとともに, 唾液の存在下においてもエナメル質にフッ素が取り込まれることを示したEricssonの研究による基礎的な支持がなされるに及んで, 1960年頃からは公衆衛生的なう蝕予防手段としても確立され, 広く応用され始めたわけである.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 低濃度フッ化物溶液, 毎日洗口法, う蝕抑制効果


Title : Supervised Daily Mouth-rinsing with a 0.023% Weak Acid NaF Solution -Results of a School - based Program started at the Age of Four -
Subtitle :
Authors : Koji HIROKAWA, Yoshikazu Iizuka
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health and Public Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 25
Number : 2
Page : 221-235
Year/Month : 1990 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The principal means of preventing dental caries in Japan are dietary control and tooth-brusing. However, these measures in public health have not been conducive to a definite reduction of dental caries, while the use of fluorides has led to a remarkable and rapid decrease in caries prevalence. Fluoride mouth-rinsing are usually incorporated into the school-based programs. Many trials were carried out in the elementary schools and a 30-50% reduction in caries increment was reported. To provide greater benefits to the permanent teeth, therefore, it is suggested that fluoride mouth-rinsing should be started earlier in the age. However, fluoride mouth-rinsing is not recommended generally for preschool children who cannot rinse out their mouths well. Among the solutions for mouth-rinsing, there are some different types in the fluoride used, the fluoride content and the frequency of application. The most commonly used fluoride mouth-rinsing solution for daily use is 0.05-0.1% NaF in neutral or weak acid solution. The present study was conducted to confirm the fluoride mouth-rinsing with a lower content of fluoride solution would have an additional cariostatic effect if it is started at the age of four. Participants rinsed with a weak acid (pH 5.0) NaF solution (100 ppm F) for 30 seconds 5 times a week. After all, they were received benefits from fluoride before eruption of the permanent teeth. In the present study, it was demonstrated that the effect of dental caries inhibition was greater than those in the previous study. Especially, many lower first molars were free from dental caries. After 7 years, the caries reduction rates were about 48% in DMFT and 54% in DMFS respectively. So far as 4 first molars, the caries reduction rate was about 41% in DMFT, and this figure was almost the same as all DMFT. It was recommended that the fluoride mouth-rinsing program with a lower fluoride content solution should be started at the age of four.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :