


Title : イヌ耳下腺終末部と導管系における微小血管網の立体的検索
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 原田和雄, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 25
Number : 3
Page : 338-354
Year/Month : 1990 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 唾液腺の腺体(終末部)と導管系には発達した毛細血管網が存在し, 同時にその血管壁自体も窓あき構造をもち, このような毛細血管網の分布は唾液の分泌機構と密接に関係し, 終末部での原唾液の産生, ならびに産生された原唾液中のある成分は導管系において再吸収される. 同時に導管系はその機能的役割に各部差異があり, これと血管網の分布との間に関連性があると言われている. すなわち導管系のうち線条部では, 積極的に水分や電解質の再吸収が行われている部位であるから, 血管網も発達しているという. しかしながら終末部や導管各部に分布する血管網分布形態の差異を詳細に表わした研究はみられない. 従来の唾液腺の血管系に関する経緯をみるとKowalewsky (1885), Spanner (1937), 佐藤(1950), Miyata (1952), 森永(1956), 鷲見(1960), 本田(1960), 浜野(1962, 65), 大塚(1972)などの研究がある.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 耳下腺終末部, 導管系, 微小血管網, SEM


Title : Three-dimensional Study of the Microvascular Network in the Excretory End Portion and the Excretory Ducts System of Dog Parotid Gland
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazuo HARADA, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 25
Number : 3
Page : 338-354
Year/Month : 1990 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The purpose of this study was to undertake a three-dimensional analysis of the microvascular network of the glandular body and the excretory ducts system of the dog parotid gland using microcorrosive resin casting technique and examined under scanning electron microscope. Results were as follows : 1. Contributed to the direct injection of the resin through the papilla of parotid, not only the excretory ducts but also the striated ducts, intercalated ducts and the end portion were completely filled with resin, thus enabling the fabrication of the intact casts. 2. One of the advantages of the present method was the ability to distinguish the each portion of the excretory ducts system based on the resin casts surface appearance of the different structure of the wall of the lumen. 3. Within the glandular body arteries, veins and excretory ducts vessels were found running their course through the connective tissue, finally emerging through the hilus of lobules into the lobules. However, several arterioles and venules, besides of running through the hilus, directly terminated at the capillary network in lobules. 4. No arteriovenouse anastomoses (AVAs) were found in the lobules. However, AVAs were ovserved between the arterioles and venules distributed in the connective tissue arround the lobules. 5. A large number of venous valves were observed in the veins immediately emerging from the hilus of lobules and also in the veins within the connective tissue of the gland. 6. Observating the vascular network of excretory ducts system, there was no proper vascular network belong to the intercalated ducts, however, on the striated ducts, one layer of the vascular network composed of dense capillaries was identified. Confluencing with each other, the diameter of excretory duct increased and its vascular network consist of two layers of vascular network of which inner layer was a dense capillary network similar to the striated ducts, the outer layer was a loose network composed of arterioles and venules. In the main excretory duct, these two layers of the vascular network were composed completely. 7. Some AVAs were observed in the arteriole and venule network arround the main excretory duct.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : SEM