


Title : ヒト歯垢由来Streptococcus mutansのStreptococcus sanguisに対する溶菌活性とバクテリオシン活性および人工歯垢形成能に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小松始, 馬場久衞
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 東日本学園大学歯学部口腔細菌学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 26
Number : 1
Page : 1-10
Year/Month : 1991 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 一般にレンサ球菌は口腔の各部位において, 最も優位を示す菌種である. 乳歯の萌出後にその歯面の歯垢中に最初に出現してくるのはStreptococcus(以下S. )sanguisで以後, 本菌が健全歯面の歯垢で優位な位置を占める. しかし, う蝕が発病する前の歯面の歯垢あるいはう窩では, S.mutansがS.sanguisに代って優勢になってくる. この現象はう蝕の発病に伴って歯垢中のレンサ球菌叢に変動が生じることを意味している. このような歯垢中の両レンサ球菌種の変動に関係すると思われる要因としては, S.mutansの産生するS.sanguisに対するバクテリオシンあるいはバクテリオシン様物質の存在が知られている. また, 歯垢の蓄積による歯垢内部の酸化還元電位の低下や酸の産生による酸性環境もS.mutansに有利に働き, sanguisに不利に働くことも知られている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : S.mutans, 溶菌活性, バクテリオシン活性


Title : Studies on the Lytic Ability and Bacteriocin Activity against Streptococcus sanguis and Artificial Plaque Forming Ability of Human Oral Bacteria Streptococcus mutans
Subtitle :
Authors : Hajime KOMATSU, Hisae Baba
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Microbiology, Higashi Nippon Gakuen University, School of Dentistry.
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 26
Number : 1
Page : 1-10
Year/Month : 1991 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Lytic ability and bacteriocin activity against Streptococcus (S.) sanguis ATCC 10556,10557 and 10558, and artificial plaque forming ability of 132 strains S.mutans isolated from dental plaques of 20 young children were examined. Physiogical characteristics have shown that 114 strains of these S.mutans were serotype c/e/f and 18 strains were d/g. Serotype c/e/f strains showed a fairly good lytic ability against S.sanguis ATCC 10558, but not against ATCC 10556 and 10557. They showed a higher bacteriocin activity against S.sanguis ATCC 10556 and 10557 than ATCC 10558. In serotype d/g strains, a slight lytic ability against S.sanguis ATCC 10558 but not two others was seen, and an extremely slight bacteriocin activity against all S.sanguis strains was noted. The artificial plaque forming ability by d/g type strains was clearly higher than c/e/f type strains. Also the final pH of d/g type strains was significantly lower than c/e/f type strains. These facts seem to show that these factors from S.mutans compensate for the defects of each other. From these results, it is probable that not only bacteriocin activity, but lytic activity and artificial plaque forming ability of S.mutans also take part in the decrease of S.sanguis in the dental plaque. In view of the difference between d/g and c/e/f type strains of S.mutans with respect to artificial plaque forming ability and final pH value, cariogenicity of both serotypes is discussed.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : S.mutans