


Title : シロナソグラフ・アナライジング・システム (SGG/AS) における測定系の精度に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 遠藤ゆかり, 青木英夫, 藤田忠寛, 玉置勝司, 竹内典子, 兼松恭規, 川口善寿, 木本克彦, 長嶋洋一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第三講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 26
Number : 1
Page : 48-54
Year/Month : 1991 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 近年, 下顎運動計測装置として臨床的に多用されているシロナソグラフは非接触型であり, 得られたデータを解析するプログラムが開発, 追加され, シロナソグラフ・アナライジング・システム(Sirognathograph Analyzing System, Siemens社製, 西ドイツ, 以下SGG/AS)として紹介されている. システム全体は, 下顎切歯点部に付着したマグネットとその移動を検出するセンサ, ディスプレイ, パーソナル・コンピュータ(PC-9801VX, NEC社製), シロナソグラフ・セントラル・ユニット, 及びXYプロッターより構成される. SGG/ASの計測原理は, マグネットの移動による磁場の変化を, 頭部に装着したセンサで感知するものである. マグネットの位置はセンサに設定されている3次元座標系内での値として, また, 運動軌跡は前頭面, 矢状面, 水平面に投影, 記録される.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : シロナソグラフ・アナライジング・システム, 測定系精度, 三次元計測


Title : A Study of Measuring Accuracy in Sirognathograph Analyzing System
Subtitle :
Authors : Yukari ENDO, Hideo AOKI, Tadahiro FUJITA, Katsushi TAMAKI, Noriko TAKEUCHI, Kiyonori KANEMATSU, Yoshihisa KAWAGUCHI, Katsuhiko KIMOTO, Yoichi NAGASHIMA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Crown & Bridge Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 26
Number : 1
Page : 48-54
Year/Month : 1991 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] The Sirognathograph (Siemens, Germany) is a measuring device displaying the area of mandibular movements and successively, a personal computer was added to this original apparatus. This is currently available as the Sirognathographic Analying System (SGG/AS). However, in clinical application of this system, the problem exists that distortion in linear reproducibility is occured and increased in accordance with a distance away from the center of magnetic field. Our pilot study showed the distortion was slightly occured in a distance between 5mm and 10mm away from primary condition, and then a considerable distortion was increased in a distance more than 15mm until at maximum opening position. This is a continued study and more detailed information was obtained from this by means of an experimental model authors developed. The model has six degrees of freedom so that the movement of mandible is more simulated to the human mandible. The following results were summarized from this experiment. 1. A newly-developed experimental model was capable to simulate the human mandible more accurately than a previous one. 2. SGG/AS showed distortion against three axes and magnified patterns along the border in frontal plane. Less distortion was recognized in area of primary condition and within three basic planes. 3. In regard to compare a new model with a previous one, results from the former displayed more distortions than the latter due to more accurate simulation of complex human mandible. 4. Amount of linear distortions within mandibular border movement, were 2.10mm in X, 0.53mm in Y, and 2.16mm in Z coordinates. Maximum ratio of distortion showed 8.9 percentage.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :