


Title : 自己免疫性口腔粘膜病変の実験病理学的研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山岡敏孝, 窪田展久, 渡辺是久
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔病理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 26
Number : 2
Page : 147-166
Year/Month : 1991 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 MRL/1prマウスは自己免疫疾患自然発症系マウスで, T細胞増殖による全身の表在性リンパ節の腫脹を特徴とする. この特異な形質は突然変異によって生じた1pr(lymphoproliferation)遺伝子と呼ばれる1個の常染色体性劣性遺伝子に支配されている. 現在明らかにされているMRL/1prマウスの免疫異常は1pr遺伝子の発現によって生ずる増殖性異常リンパ球の産生するB cell differentiation factor(BCDF)がB細胞のhyperfunctionを惹起して大量の免疫複合体の産生を招来し, III型アレルギー反応の形で表現される免疫複合体型腎炎や, 動脈炎, 関節炎が発症する. さらに増殖性異常リンパ球の産生する異常マクロファージ活性化因子, すなわちMRL/1-MAFによってマクロファージの機能異常を招来する結果, 肉芽腫性動脈炎を発症することが知られている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 自己免疫, 口腔粘膜, 実験病理. MRL/1prマウス, 免疫組織化学


Title : Experimental Histopathological Study of the Autoimmune Oral Mucosal Lesions
Subtitle :
Authors : Toshitaka YAMAOKA, Nobuhisa KUBOTA, Yoshihisa Watanabe
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Pathology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 26
Number : 2
Page : 147-166
Year/Month : 1991 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] MRL/1pr mice are spontaneously autoimmune disease mice in which abnormal proliferation of T lymphocytes occur as the result of expression of the 1pr gene. In the present study, we investigated the spontaneously oral mucosal lesions of MRL/1pr mice and tried to develop experimentally autoimmune oral mucosal lesions by sensitizing MRL/1pr with the self oral mucosal epithelial elements. Furthermore, we investigated histopathologically, immunohistochemically, and electoron-microscopically the interrelation between the immunological abnormalities of MRL/1pr mice and the mechanism of the onset of autoimmune oral mucosal lesions. 1. Spontaneously oral mucosal lesions of MRI/1pr mice The lesions in the oral mucosa developed on the tongue in 62% of the mice (8 out of 13 mice) and on the buccal mucosa in 46% (6 out 13 mice). Histopathological examination revealed the presence of two types of lesions; one was the lesions with deposition of eosinophilic fine granular substances and infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages in the tunica propria of the mucosa, and the lesions analogous to human lichen planus accompained with infiltration of lymphocytes in the tunica propria. 2. Experimentally autoimmune oral mucosal lesions of MRL/1pr mice 1) Histopathologically, there were observed deposition of eosinophilic fine granular substances in the tunica propria of tongue mucosa, phagocytosis of the substances by macrophages, and infiltration of neutrophils. A few of the sensitized animals showed dilatation of the epithelial papilla, formation of microabscesses, and formation of the sub-epithelial blister accompaied by disappearance of the collagenous fibers from the tunica propria of the mucosa. The lesions developed in 40 to 100% of the animals of each sensitized group. The incidence and the area of the lesions increased with the increase of the times of sensitization. 2) Immunohistochemical examination showed that the IgG-positive areas coincided with the basement membrane and eosinophilic fine granular deposit in the lesions. In the intercellular space of the epithelial basal cells of the lesions, a few Thy 1.2+ and Lyt 1+ cells were found. 3) Erectron microscopical examination showed that there were a number of dense body macrophages which had englobed immune complexes, and free dense bodies (immune complexes) in the mucosal tunica propria of the lesions. 4) On the mucosal epithelium of the cheek, there were lesions similar to human pemphigus showing findings of acantholysis. Slight dilation of the basement membrane and localized disappearance of lamina densa were also observed in a small area. The above-mentioned results suggested that the immunological abnormality of MRL/1pr mice, i.e. abnormal activation of the helper T function of the proliferative T cells, might cause lesions analogous to human mucous membrane pemphigoid, pemphigus and lichen planus of the oral mucosa. It was also suggested that Thy 1.2-positive epithelial cells derived from bone marrow may play a role in the onset of autoimmune oral mucosal lesions.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :