


Title : 歯肉溝滲出液採取に用いられる試作ストリップスについての一検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 宮本尚, 斎藤隆嗣, 寺中敏夫, 松沢征, 篠塚嘉昭, 富沢尚夫, 岩本次男
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 26
Number : 2
Page : 191-197
Year/Month : 1991 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 1858年, BrillおよびKrasseによって歯肉溝滲出液の生物学的意義が発表されて以来, 多くの研究者によってその歯周疾患との関連性が報告されており, 現今では滲出液量の変動は歯周疾患の病変を反映する1つの指標として重要な意義を有するものとされている. 歯肉溝滲出液量を測定する方法としては, 従来ろ紙法, 毛細管法などが用いられているが, そのうちろ紙により採取する方法では温度, 湿度の影響による蒸発などによって液量が変化しやすく, 一方, 毛細管法では極微量の歯肉溝滲出液の採取が困難である等の欠点がある. 1973年, Harco社によって開発された歯肉溝滲出液量測定装置, ペリオトロンはろ紙に採取された微量な滲出液量を迅速かつ簡便に測定し, 更には再現性にもすぐれていることが宮本らの基礎的実験により, またその臨床応用においてもGarnickら, 林ら, 原ら, Langeらにより有用性が確かめられ, 今日では広く臨床で用いられている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : ストリップス, 歯肉溝滲出液, ペリオトロン


Title : A Study on Reliability of Round-cut off Filter Papers for Quantitating the Gingival Crevicular Fluids
Subtitle :
Authors : Hisashi MIYAMOTO, Ryuji SAITO, Toshio TERANAKA, Susumu MATSUZAWA, Yoshiaki SHINOZUKA, Hisao TOMIZAWA, Tsugio IWAMOTO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Restorative Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 26
Number : 2
Page : 191-197
Year/Month : 1991 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] For the purpose of quantitating the gingival crevicular fluids, filter papers with round cut-off tip have been devised in place of conventional ones with rectangular tip. As the fundamental experiment to examine the clinical effectivity of the improved filter paper, the readings on Periotron by using both kinds of filter papers, and deionized water and human serum as the sample solution were compared. The obtained results were summarized as follows. : 1. A very close correlation of r=0.97~0.99 are observed in the range of 0.1μl~0.5μl sample solutions between the readings on Periotron by using two kinds of filter strips. Thus the quantitative measuring apparatus Periotron is considered to have extremely high accuracy with an excellent reproducibility. 2. As the result of the investigation by one-way layout analysis of variance, it was revealed that the differences of diffusibility of sample solutions depend on their concentration. 3. In the case of conventional strips (Perio paper strips), the readings on Periotron were not so influenced by the difference of certain concentration. On the contrary, a significant difference (p<0.05) was observed between each concentrations in both deionozed water and human serum. Therefore, it seems that the difference of diffusibility of sample solution on these two strips was mainly caused by the direction of fiber and density of filter papers. 4. From the findings mentioned above and the advantage of clinical usage which is able to collect the gingival crevicular fluid with almost no stimulation due to the shape of round-cut off tip, the newly improved filter paper is expected to be utilized satisfactory for quantitative determination by Periotron in clinics.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :