


Title : モーダルモディフィケーションによる連結装置断面形態の検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 佐々木秀典, 大津久夫, 鈴木徳夫, 倉林典之, 豊田實, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第一講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 26
Number : 3
Page : 306-312
Year/Month : 1991 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」義歯の動態を解析することは, パーシャルデンチャー設計時の指針として重要な事項とされ, これまでに光弾性実験法, 有限要素法, ストレンゲージ法等様々な研究が報告されているが, これらは静的荷重下の実験であり機能時の動態を解析したとは言い難い. 当教室では実験的モーダル解析法を応用し, 構造体の振動を支配する固有振動数, 固有モード形, 減衰等を推定し, 物体の動特性を視覚的に分析する研究を行ってきた. さらに, 実験計測を繰り返し行わずに構造体のもつパラメータ(質量, 剛性, 減衰)をコンピュータ上で変更し, その動態を予測するモーダルモディフィケーション(以下 構造変更)プログラムを用い, 義歯の不必要な動きをできるだけ少なくするために, これらのパラメータをどのように変更すればよいかを検索している. 今回はその基礎実験として, 下顎遊離端義歯のリンガルバーを想定した試料を作製し, その質量についての構造変更を行って, 変更前と変更後の動態を比較, 検討した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : モーダル解析, 連結装置, 構造変更


Title : Study of Denture Connector Morphology through Modal Modification.
Subtitle :
Authors : Hidenori SASAKI, Hisao OTSU, Tokuo SUZUKI, Noriyuki KURABAYASHI, Minoru TOYODA, Etsuro MATSUO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 26
Number : 3
Page : 306-312
Year/Month : 1991 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: A study has been conducted to reduce unnecessary movements of a denture when it is worn in practical utilization, using computerized modal modification (structural modification) technique that allows mass, rigidity and elasticity - the elements composing the physical properties of an object - to be measured by converting them into digital quantities. Experiments were conducted using rectangular parallelopiped samples (10mm×60mm×1.5mm), supposed to represent a lingual bar, to find appropriate values of these elements for designing a denture. The experiments involved comparing data, including displacement degree, that were obtained prior to conducting a structural modification and after the modification using an animation technique. Measurement was conducted by anchoring one end of the samples to a vise and applying an impact to the other free end or the center portion for modal analysis using a vibration analyzer. Following are the results obtained through measurement by changing the structural mass (0.1g or 0.2g) at three points along the vertical direction and at five points in a horizontal direction. 1. Four modes of resonance frequencies were detected when an impact was given to one end, and two modes when an impact was applied to the center portion. 2. In the samples given a vertical structural mass change, the vibrating samples got bent momentarily when the free end was struck. 3. In the samples that underwent a horizontal structural mass change, those having larger mass in the low-end portion displayed smaller vibration movements when the free end was impacted. 4. The structural mass change had little effect on vibration movement when an impact was given to the center portion.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :