


Title : 咬合性外傷時における歯周組織の変化について - 血管鋳型法による歯根膜血管網修復過程の観察 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 河野力, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 27
Number : 2
Page : 201-230
Year/Month : 1992 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯周組織は, 歯根を介して生理的な咬合圧が加わることで恒常性を保ち, 健全に機能する. これに対して, 生理的範囲を超える異常な咬合圧あるいは外来圧力が加わると, 歯周組織に傷害が生ずる. そして非生理的な圧が持続すると, その傷害はいわゆる咬合性外傷へと進行する. しかし歯周組織は, これらの傷害に対して, 大きな修復能力を有していると考えられている. 歯槽骨は常に吸収と添加を繰り返すリモデリングにより, 歯槽骨の形態を維持している. また歯根膜線維を構成するコラーゲン線維のターンオーバーは2日~3日で, コラーゲンの合成能は歯肉の2倍, 皮膚の3倍である. 歯周組織の中で, 最も障害を受け易い歯根膜主線維の修復能力は非常に優れていると言える. また, 歯槽骨とセメント質から発した主線維は, それぞれ歯根膜中央で樹枝状に広がって, 相互に結合し, 中間叢を形成している. そのため主線維の先端は, 容易に結合相手を変え, 組み替えを行っている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯周組織, 咬合性外傷, 血管鋳型法, 走査型電顕


Title : The Vascular Changes of Periodontal tissue in Regenerative Process due to Occlusal Trauma
Subtitle :
Authors : Tsutomu KONO, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 27
Number : 2
Page : 201-230
Year/Month : 1992 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: The tissue regeneration of blood vessel and alveolar bone of the occlusal traumatic periodontal tissue was confirmed by the resin cast with proteinase digestion method. The various types of morphological changes occurred in the vasculature of periodontal membrane and the alveolar bone under the condition which occlusal traumatic force was continuously applied. In order to induce an experimental occlusal trauma, composite resin was added on the occlusal surfaces of mandibular second, third and fourth premolars of dogs to raise the Occlusion <Occlusal traumatic stage>. These subjects were devided into two groups. The composite resin was removed after 7days in one group (to be called group A) after 180days in another (group B) <Healing stage>. After 7, 30 and 60 days, the following treatment was done to each group: the injection of methacrylate resin (Mercox) into the inferior alveolar artery and the dissolution of soft tissue by the proteinase. These specimens were observed under the Scanning Election Microscope (SEM JEOL 820). Group A (After 7 days) <Occlusal traumatic stage> A wide range of avascularized area was observed on resin casted periodontal membrane. The surface of alveolar bone on which the vasculature disappeared did not show any resorption process. <regeneration stage> After 7 days: A certain avascularized area was observed in the marginal and apical region of the alveolar bone and the venule in the diameter of 100μm was observed on the avascularized area. This venule connected with the periodontal membrane and gingiva. After 30 days: A vascularized area was also observed, and new blood vessels were regenerating from the venules in the avascularized area. After 60 days: the vasculature in periodontal membrane was arranged in two-layered bundle-like vasculature. Group B (After 180 days) <Occlusal traumatic stage> The bundle-like vessels were arrayed as an ellipse pattern. Also, resorption process could be observed on the surface of the alveolar bone and the the interradicular septum. <Healing stage> (After 7 days): In this period. An avascularized area was observed (After 30 days): the vasculature of the periodontal membrane underwent a morphological change and turned out to to appear as the two-layerd bundle-like vascular network. After 60 days: the vasculature of the periodonatal membrane facing the teeth appeared quite resemblance with that of normal structure of periodontal membrane. The experimental study of occlusal trauma in the tissue clearly indicated that the two types of regeneration of the vasculature in the periodontal membrane existed. In the occlusal traumatic stage, The periodontal membrane of the group A (7 days) was damaged by occlusal traumatic force. The blood bessels in periodontal membrane of the apical region were disappeared (avasculized area). On the other hand, in the group B (180 days), Avasculized area was not observed. Although it was different from the normal vasculature, the blood vessel in the periodontal membrane was rearranged. Thus, it was showed that if the continuous occlusal traumatic force was released from the non-inflammatory periodontal tissue, vasculature in periodontal membrane tend to become normal conditions.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :