


Title : 非接触型動的応力解析システムによる咬合圧伝達系の応力分布の検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 神永美穂子, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第I講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 27
Number : 3
Page : 277-292
Year/Month : 1992 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」頭頸部の諸器官が顎口腔系という概念で捉えられ, その調和の重要性が近年注目されている. 顎関節を含む顔面骨および下顎骨などで構成される顔面頭蓋は, この系の主たる要素の一つである. 当教室ではここにおける衝撃応答の挙動, すなわち力の伝達経路および分布状態を解明することが, 生体力学的に安定した補綴装置設計の一指針を与えるものと考え, これまで振動を手段とし一連の基礎的実験を行ってきた. そこから, 主に力の伝達経路を推察し, 生体における合理的な衝撃応答の概略を明らかにしてきた. さらに, 力の分布状態の解明のため, 応力解析に着手した. 頭蓋骨の応力解析は従来から, 有限要素法などのシミュレート解析, 代替のプラスチックモデルによる光弾性実験, 被験体の連続性を無視したストレインゲージ法などが報告されていた. しかし一方では, 各実験法とも種々の欠点が指摘され, それらは未解決であった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 動的応力解析システム, 顔面骨部応力解析, 顔面頭蓋骨応力解析, マウスガード


Title : A Study on Stress Distribution of the Occlusal Force Transmission Route with the Non - Contact Type Dynamic Stress Analyzer
Subtitle :
Authors : Mihoko KAMINAGA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 27
Number : 3
Page : 277-292
Year/Month : 1992 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : The importance of securing coordination among those organs and structures in the stomatognathic system has been recognized increasingly in recent years. The facial skull, consisting of teeth, mandible, and facial bones including mandibular joints is regarded as constituting the major part of this system. Clarification of impact vibration behaviors in the skull, namely, impact vibration propagation routes and stress distribution would contribute to designing of biodynamically more stable prostheses. Our department has conducted a series of basic experiments, and those have made it possible to unravel the outline of the stress responses in the stomatognathic system through highly rational means. The introduction of dynamic stress analyzer SPATE9000 for prosthetic research in our department has made it possible to obtain stress distribution in such morphologically complex facial skulls more accurately. In resent years, in the field of sports medicine, the use of mouth-guards has been proposed to prevent injuries. The buffering capability of mouthguards had researched in terms of stress attenuation capability and stress distribution. Results are as follows. 1. Stress tends to converge on the pear-shaped angular mouth corners(outerrim)where the bones are comparatively thin and brittle. This would cause injuries easily when stmatognathic structure receives a strong external force. 2. Concentrated stress level increases when the impaction point shifts from the molars to the frontal teeth. 3. A mouth-guard is effective in protecting the mouth and other structurally vulnerable areas including the heads of mandible in the peripheral areas from injury.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :