


Title : 成人における歯みがき習慣および歯磨き剤の使用状況とくさび状欠損との関連について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小宮山嵩, 荒川浩久*, 浮谷實, 飯塚喜一*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第II講座, *神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 1
Page : 79-93
Year/Month : 1993 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」著者は種々多様な歯磨き剤が入手でき歯みがき行動が習慣化した現代において, 日常の歯みがき習慣の実態と歯磨き剤の利用ならびに選択意識などがどのような状況にあるかに興味をもち, 事業所従業員を対象に質問紙調査を行いすでに報告した. その結果, 現代の歯磨き剤は薬効成分の配合されているものが多いのにもかかわらず, 塩化ナトリウム配合のもの以外は, 薬効成分を意識しながら使用している者が少ないことや, まったく歯磨き剤を使用していない者は1.8%と極端に少ないことがわかった. しかし, 歯磨き剤を歯ブラシの植毛部の2/3以上につける者は年齢の低い者ほど少なくなるなど, 歯磨き剤による歯の磨耗を心配してか, 歯磨き剤量を加減している傾向も認められた. しかし, 現代の歯磨き剤には種々の薬効成分が含まれているものが多く, ことにフッ化物配合歯磨き剤の使用意義は世界的に認められている. しかし, 先人たちも指摘しているように, 歯みがきを行うことにより歯が磨耗する, いわゆるくさび状欠損(Wedge-Shaped Defect, 以下WSDとする)の発現には注意を払う必要がある.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 成人, 歯みがき習慣, 歯磨き剤, くさび状欠損


Title : Survey on the Relation Among the Toothbrushing Habits, the Use of Dentifrice and Wedge - Shaped Defect in Employees of a Private Enterprise
Subtitle :
Authors : Takashi KOMIYAMA, Hirohisa ARAKAWA*, Makoto Ukiya, Yoshikazu Iizuka*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of 2nd Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Dental Health and Public Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 1
Page : 79-93
Year/Month : 1993 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : It is well known that v-shaped grooves in the cervical area(wedge-shaped deffects ; WSD)are caused by mechanical oral hygiene procedure. Especially, abrasives incorporated in dentifrices may constitute a major cause for the development and progression of WSD. Subjective symptoms were reported in many cases about 50 years ago, whereas current and accurate data of this lesion is limited. However, it may be speculated that the dentifrices available some 50 years ago might have been more abrasive than today's dentifrices. The purpose of this investigation was to study the prevalence of WSD and possible correlations with toothbrushing habits and oral hygiene status. The subjects were 397 employees(mean age ; 36.8)in a private enterprise. The examinees were questioned about their toothbrushing habits and utilization of dentifrice through questionnaire, and the dental examination including WSD was conducted at the same time. On average, 40% of 397 persons exhibited more than one WSD in the subjective teeth(canines and premolars). Men showed 42% of WSD prevalence rate, whereas women did 35%. Men showed a somewhat higher frequency than women except in one age group(50 year's or more). In the youngest age group(<20 yrs)WSD index was 0.026, whereas that of the oldest group(>=55 yrs)was 0.48. Prevalence of WSD was increasing with age, especially WSD prevalence in the persons more than 35 years of age was increasing greatly. WSD in the dentition was indicated almost equal frequencies on the left and the right side of the mouth. On the other hand, the WSD prevalence of upper jaw was higher than that of lower jaw. The subjects who brushed their teeth more than three times or upward every day had lower toothbrushing pressure and the quantities(volume)of dentifrice used compared with the subjects with poor oral hygiene, however, WSD prevalence was almost equal between good and poor oral hygiene groups. On the other hand, the WSD prevalence in the subjects who used dentifrice every time when they brush their teeth was lower than the subjects who on't used dentifrice every time. It may be concluded that the modern dentifrices have lower abrasive and the WSD prevalence is getting lower in young adults.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :