


Title : 超音波を応用した根管洗浄におけるキャビテーションの検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 石塚泰也, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科保存学教室第III講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 3
Page : 263-273
Year/Month : 1993 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」根管治療を成功させるための要諦としては根管系の徹底的な清掃, 消毒および緊密な充填があげられている. しかしながら3次元的に複雑な形態を有する根管系を清掃することは, 煩雑でしかも根気のいる作業である. このようなことから, この根管系の清掃を合理的に行うことを目的として, Martinら, また本邦では笠井により, 根管処置に対する超音波振動の応用が試みられた. すなわち, 根管内に根管用小器具を挿入し注水下にこれを超音波振動させることにより, 根管系を清掃する方法である. 当初は超音波スケーラーのチップに根管拡大用のファイルを鑞着し, これを用いて洗浄をおこなっていたが, 近年, ファイルの着脱を容易にするなどの改良を施した根管処置用超音波装置が市販されるようになると, この超音波振動を応用した根管洗浄法が注目され, その優れた洗浄効果を示す報告も多く見られるようになった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 根管処置, 超音波根管洗浄, キャビテーション


Title : Study of Cavitation in Ultrasonic Debridement of Root Canals
Subtitle :
Authors : Yasunari ISHIZUKA, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 3
Page : 263-273
Year/Month : 1993 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: The root canal debridement to eliminate the necrotic and vital tissue with microorganisms from the root canals is an important procedure in endodontic therapy. However, complete debridement of complicate root canal system is difficult to achieve using conventional method. Recently, to improve the efficiency of debridement of root canal system, the ultrasonic device has been introduced in endodontic therapy and its superior effects were reported. To utilize the ultrasonic device effectively and safety, it is indispensable to clarify the mechanism of ultrasonic debridement. As the mechanisms of ultrasonic debridement, cavitation and accoustic streaming have been considered to play an important role. However, the detail about the generation of cavitation in ultrasonic root canal debridement was not explained sufficiently. This study was undertaken to examine the phenomenon of cavitation in ultrasonic root canal debridement employing SOLFY-MORITA ultrasonic unit with a #15 Zipperer U-file. The phenomenon of cavitation was detected as the sonic chemi-luminescence emitted when the file vibrated ultrasonically in luminol solution. The sonic chemi-luminescence was investigated as accumlation of individual photon with the use of an ultra-high sensitivity video camera system. The following results were obtained; 1. As the method to detect the cavitation in ultrasonic root canal debridement, to investigate the sonic chemi-luminescence with the use of an ultra-high sensitivity video camera system was considerd effective. 2. Cavitation was generated around the free end of the vibrating file at the power settings for endodontic purposes. 3. The intensity of generating cavitation showed the tedency of increase in proportion to increase of the amplitude of vibrating file tip. 4. It was suggested that the effective root canal debridement would be achieved, with the utilization of cavitation generated around the tip of the vibrating file, to operate the file slowly up and down in the root canal and apply the cavitation thoroughly to all around the root canal wall.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :