


Title : 根管壁とメインポイントの適合状態が側方加圧根管充填法の根尖封鎖性に及ぼす影響について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 吉村泰尚, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科保存学教室第III講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 3
Page : 299-311
Year/Month : 1993 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」根管充填は根管経由の刺激が根尖歯周組織へ波及することを防止するため, 根尖部の根管系を緊密に封鎖することが重要である. そして, その適否が根管治療の予後成績を決定する大きな因子であるとされている. この様な観点から, 従来より多くの根管充填法が考案, 開発されてきた. なかでも側方加圧充填法はアピカルシートの概念を導入したことや, Ingleによって提唱された根管切削用小器具の規格化等により, 比較的容易でかつ確実な方法として普及し, 現在では臨床的に高い評価が与えられている. 側方加圧充填法ではその寸法形態が規格化されたリーマーやファイルを用いて根尖側の根管を円筒形に形成し, ここにこれらの規格に対応した寸法形態を有する規格型メインポイントを適合させて良好な封鎖性を得ることを期待している. しかしながら実際の臨床経験では, この様にして形成した根管に, 根管の最終形成に使用したリーマーやファイルと同サイズの規格型メインポイントを挿入, 試適しても根管壁に対する良好な適合性が得られていないことが多い.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 側方加圧充填法, メインポイント, 根尖封鎖性


Title : The Influence of Adaptability of Master Point to the Root Canal on the Sealing Ability of Lateral Condensation Method
Subtitle :
Authors : Yasunao YOSHIMURA, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 3
Page : 299-311
Year/Month : 1993 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: The final procedure in endodontic treatment is to obturate the root canal system. Many different obturation techniques have been introduced to improve the quality of apical seal. Above all, lateral condensation method employing guttapercha cone with sealer have been widely used in clinical practice. Recently, standardized master point which was aligned with the corresponding size for root canal instruments specified by international standard in size and shape were introduced and commonly used in lateral condensation method. However, the inside diameter of prepared root canal is slightly enlarged compared with the diameter of standardized instrument due to mechanical instrumentation, in addition, the standardized point which is to obturate in preparated root canal is made in the lowest limit of ISO tolerance and slightly slender than the root canal instrument. Consequently, it is estimated that standardized master point will not fit well into the root canal which was prepared with standardized root canal instrument. Concerning the sealing ability of lateral condensation method, the report referred to adaptability between apical canal wall and master cone were very rare. Therefore, the author attempted following experimental study to evaluate the sealing effect of apical portion of the root canal with lateral condensation method. 1. The diameter of the leprica of apical canal which was prepared with #50 standadized reamer, #50 standardized main guttapercha point, #55 standardized main guttapercha point and #50 standardized main point which were snipped and adjusted in their tip to the prepared root canal by tactile sensation, were measured at the decided 3 point in the tip area and compared to the size of each other. 2. Adaptability and sealing efficiency of root apex between root canal wall and main point were examined by the dye penetration method. The following result were obtained; 1. The diameter measured at the decided point of the #55 standardized main guttapercha points and the #50 standardized points which were adjusted by snipping their tip were closely approximate with inside diameter of canals which were prepared by #50 standardized reamer. 2. Thus, to utilize these main points, adaptability of the main point to the prepared root canal was improved. Furthermore, microleakage of dye was reduced in relation to decrease the thickness of the layer of sealer between guttapercha and canal wall. In consequence, improvement of apical sealing efficiency were recognized. 3. With use of #55 standardized main guttapercha point, effectiveness of apical seal was improved the same as utilization of the standardized main point which was adjusted to apical root canal by snipping their tip.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :