


Title : 床用材料差が義歯の動態に及ぼす影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 水谷哲夫, 森田望之, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第I講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 3
Page : 336-355
Year/Month : 1993 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」現在, 歯科臨床で使用されている床用材料の主流はポリメチルメタクリレート樹脂(以下PMMA)である. この材料は, 審美性や操作性等に優れている反面, 機械的強度が低い, 吸水性が高い, 乾燥や熱による変形などがあると報告されている. また, 残留モノマーによるといわれているレジンアレルギー問題があるとされているが, これらはポリマーとモノマーを混和し重合するPMMAがかかえる欠点とされている. これらを補うものとして, 近年の高分子化学の進歩により開発されたエンジニアリングプラスチックを義歯床に応用する試みがなされ, PMMAと異なり重合過程を必要とせず, 熱可塑性樹脂を射出または圧縮成形して利用されている. 現在, 歯科臨床で用いられている熱可塑性樹脂にはポリカーボネート, ポリスルフォン, ポリエーテルスルフォンの3種のエンジニアリングプラスチックがあり, ポリカーボネートと他の2種は構造的に異質のものであるが, 歯科臨床では総称してスルフォンレジンと呼ばれている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : スルフォンレンジ, モーダル解析


Title : Influence of the Different on Denture Base Materials Toward the Movement of Dentures
Subtitle :
Authors : Tetsuo MIZUTANI, Kimiyuki MORITA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 3
Page : 336-355
Year/Month : 1993 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin is most frequently used as a denture base material in today's dental prosthesis. However, this resin is low in mechanical strength. To overcome this shortcoming, sulfon resin, which was developed thanks to progress in high-polyimer chemistry, has come to be used in the manufacture of dentures, and many reports have been published on cases in which the denture bases made of this resin are clinically used. But its dynamic characteristics are yet to be clarified. We can only guess the activities that are performed by this new type of denture in the process of mastication. The differences of this resin from other denture base materials are not clear either. In the present study, modal analysis was performed to shed light on the dynamic characteristrics of sulfone resin and generally used denture base materials. Natural frequency and displacement were also measured by means of a laser displacement meter to observe the dynamic characteristics of these materials visually. Materials used in the study were three types of sulfone resin -- polycarbonate (PC), polysulone (PSF) and polyesthersulfone (PES) -- polymethy methacrylate (PMMA) resin cobaltchrome (Co-Cr) alloy. Using these materials, upper and lower complete dentures were fabricated, In the experiment, some dentures removable, and some were fixed so that they cannot be readily removed. (Results) 1. Four resonance modes were detected in all the samples of upper complete dentures whether they were fixed or not. 2. three to five resonance modes were detected in removale lower complete dentures as against twe to four modes in fixed lower complete dentuses. When the sample dentures were fixed with occlusal contacts taken into account, their movements were limited. 3. Dynamic observation showed that the quality of denture base material dose not make much difference in the upper jaw but in the lower jaw there are some dynamic differences between dentures with bases of Co-Cr alloy and sulfone resin. In many samples using resin materials, the lingual saide margin of denture bases were deformed. In the samples of Co-Cr alloy the metal frame on the lingual side did not change but their resin parts deformed. Dynamic differences of the upper and lower jaws could be due to the existence of the palate. 4. Large displacements were seen in PMMA in both upper and lower and lower complete dentures, the largest working out at 47 μm. Thus, our experiment demonstrated the usefulness of metal base in the lower complete denture and at the same time showed that the dynamic charateritics of sulfone resin are akin to those of PMMA rather the denture with a base of metal alloy.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :