


Title : 義歯の適合性か義歯動態と支台歯に与える影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 記村勝之, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第I講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 4
Page : 426-439
Year/Month : 1994 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I. 緒言」 義歯が口腔内で生体と調和した機能を営むためには, 機能時に床下組織との適合性が良好であることが重要な一つの因子である. とりわけ, 遊離端のパーシャルデンチャーの設計においては, 欠損状態, 支台歯ならびに欠損部粘膜の形態や健康状態等の生体側の種々な問題と支台装置をはじめとする義歯側の多数の複雑な要素が絡み合って, 予後不良になる場合がある. また, その設計と製作が良好に行われたとしても, 欠損部歯槽堤は抜歯窩の治癒後も加齢により引き続き吸収変化を起こしたり, 不適当な圧によって顎堤の吸収がさらに進むことがCarlsson, Tallgren, 嘉村, 松元, 水谷らにより報告されている. 従って, 装着時に適合状態が良く生体との調和のとれた義歯であろうと, 義歯の製作時期の見極めやメインテナンスを怠ると顎堤の変化に伴って義歯の不適合や破損, しいては残存諸組織の予後不良等の問題を発生しやすい.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 義歯の適合性, モーダル解析, 動的応力解析


Title : A Study on the Influence of Denture Adaptation to the Denture Movement and the Abutment Teeth
Subtitle :
Authors : Katsuyuki KIMURA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 4
Page : 426-439
Year/Month : 1994 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : One of the key factors for a denture to function in harmony with the living tissues in the oral cavity is whether the denture fists its supporting tissues. The resorption of the alveolar ridge progresses by the sustained, excessive force of the denture upon it, untimely fabrication of the denture and negligence of maintenance as well as aging. Such morphological changes in the alveolar ridge in turn cause maladaptation and destruction of the denture, eventually producing untoward effects on the abutment teeth and adjacent residual tissues. For the present study, an intractable case of lower unilateral free-end saddle was taken up and the state of adaptation of the basal surface of the denture to the basal seat was artificially changed to examine ensuing problems by means of modal and dynamic stress analysis. The following is a summary of our findings : 1. Two types of vibrasion mode were detected. Following the decrease in the adaptation of the basal surface of the denture, the resonant frequency showed a downward tendency. This suggests that there is a correlation between resonant frequency and adaptation of the denture. 2. Mode 1 was a solid mode, in which the denture and the abutment teeth that support the denture as a system move in phase; mode 2, a bent mode in which the denture base and the retainer opposite to the denture plate move out of phase with the midpoint of the connector bar as a supporting point. This is considered to be due primarily to the movement of the denture itself because its resonant frequency was approximate to that of acrylic resin. 3. In mode 1, the lingual and posterior margins of the denture base showed a larger degree of displacement after adaptation than before, suggesting a tendency toward restoration by relining. The labial margin of the denture base altered greatly after a part of lingual side was removed, and when the adaptability of the basal surface of the denture was lost partially, it was shown that stress tends to concentrate on the remaining part of the basal surface that retains adaptability. 4. The effect of relining was evident on the denture base and the crowns of the abutment teeth, but not on the apex of the abutment reeth. 5. It is considered that the displacement of the abutment teeth is not affected by the adaptation of the denture alone but also by many other factors combined involving its design, designed position of the retainer and cross-arch stabilization effects.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :