


Title : 6自由度下顎運動計測装置を用いたコンピュータF.G.P.法の試み
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 金圭一, 浮谷實
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第II講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 4
Page : 463-473
Year/Month : 1994 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 正常な顎機能を営むためには, 緊密な咬頭嵌合ならびに顎機能に調和した咬合面形態が不可欠な要素であり, これまで多くの研究が報告されてきた. また, 歯科臨床の場においても, 顎機能に調和した咬合の再構築をめざし, 多くの調節性咬合器が導入されてきた. しかし, 調節性咬合器を用いる手法では, 顔弓による上顎位置の記録, 咬合器付着, 咬合器の調節といった複雑な操作が必要であり, 十分な知識と熟練が要求され, 操作に伴った誤差の介入が予想される. これらの問題を解決するために, 幾多の研究が現在までになされている. 1933年, F.S.Meyerは, 複雑な調節性咬合器を使用せずに, 機能的咬合面を有する鋳造冠を製作する術式としてF.G.P.法(Functional Generated Path Technique)を開発した. その後この手法には改良が重ねられ, オーラルリハビリテーションへの応用が可能となった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 6自由度下顎運動計測, CAD/CAM, コンピュータF.G.P.法


Title : An Attempt to the Computer Aided F.G.P. Technique by the Six-Degrees of Freedom Mandibular Movement Measuring System
Subtitle :
Authors : Keiichi KIM, Makoto Ukiya
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of 2nd Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 4
Page : 463-473
Year/Month : 1994 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstruct: Method for designing and processing dental prostheses, using CAD/CAM systems, have advanced markedly in recent years. However, in the design of functional occlusal surfaces, the current level of technology is not very high, because the designs are based primarily on static information, even though the dynamic information for each patient must be taken into account to design truly functional occlusal surfaces. Information which is essential for the F.G.P. technique, surfaces of the antagonists and contact and sliding motion of them, is available from three-dimensional automated model mearuring method and mandibular movement measuring method with a six-degrees of freedom respectively. If such information is applied to CAD/CAM system truly functional occlusal surfaces shall be designed. The pilot study was made to develop to develop the system and the occlusal surface of the upper right molar of an individual with normal dentulous jaw which had no deffect or coronal restoration was designed using the system. The conclusions of presented study are as follows. I. The computerized F.G.P. technique appeared to be feasible, if it uses the same references on both the study model and the actual dental arch, so that the study model movement will correspond to the actual mandibular movement. II. The three-dimensional dynamic features of the occlusal surface, which vary from one minute to the next due to mandibular motion, could thus be represented using computer graphics. III. The computerized F.G.P. technique seems to permit the design of functional occlusal surfaces, using a CAD/CAM system.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : CAD/CAM