


Title : 口腔扁平上皮癌における血中SCC抗原の臨床的検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 本間義郎, 木下靱彦, 井上聡, 河原健司, 土肥雅彦, 宮本将利, 松岡亨子, 水谷成孝, 志村介三
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔外科学教室第II講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 4
Page : 515-521
Year/Month : 1994 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 近年, 腫瘍マーカーは日常化した臨床検査になりつつあるが, 口腔癌では原発腫瘍の直視下での診断や治療効果判定が他科領域に比べて容易であるため, 腫瘍マーカーに対する認識は十分ではない. しかし, 口腔癌の根治的治療後, 再発, 不幸な転帰をとることはまれでなく, その早期発見に有効な腫瘍マーカーが期待されている. 特に口腔癌ではその大部分が扁平上皮癌であるため, SCC抗原(Squamous cell carcinoma related antigen)の有用性が考えられるが, その評価について十分な検討は行われていない. 今回, われわれは当科の腫瘍外来で経過観察中の口腔扁平上皮癌症例を対象に, 腫瘍マーカーとしてのSCC抗原の臨床的意義について検討した. 「対象ならびに方法」 対象は初診時から経時的にSCC抗原を測定し得た口腔扁平上皮癌20例である. 内訳は男性12例, 女性8例, 年齢は52~79歳で, 平均61.8歳であった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : SCC抗原, 口腔扁平上皮癌


Title : A Study of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Related Antigen (SCC Antigen) in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshiro HONMA, Yukihiko KINOSHITA, Satoshi INOUE, Kenji KAWAHARA, Masahiko DOHI, Masatoshi MIYAMOTO, Kyoko MATUOKA, Naritaka MIZUTANI, Kaizo SHIMURA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 4
Page : 515-521
Year/Month : 1994 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: Serum levels of squamous cell carcinoma related antigen (SCC antigen) in 20 patients whith oral squamous cell carcinoma, in order to assess the clinical significance as a tumor maker. 1. Serum levels of SCC antigen at the initial clinical examination, many of the cases had been false negative, while the clinical advanced cases tend to present high value. 2. In the patients who had a recurrence or metastasis, the serum SCC antigen levels show an upward tendency in parallel whith the tumor growth. But the value of serum SCC antigen had a decreasing tendency or changed little in the cases where tumor were kept under control, correlating with the clinical course of the disease. 3. Measurement of serum SCC antigen shuld be taken once every weeks for monitering response to treament, and once a month for follow-up. 4. Since the value of the serum SCC antigen fluctuate daily to some extent, it is not wise to draw a conclusion regarding the progress of disease from the results of only one test. With these points in mind, the serum SCC antigen was considered to be an effective tumor marker for monitering response to treament and follow-up of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :