


Title : 抗癌剤作用下における口腔扁平上皮癌細胞の細胞動態解析 - in vitroのDNA-RNA顕微蛍光測光による検討 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 浅野信雄, 志村介三
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔外科学教室第II講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 29
Number : 4
Page : 384-399
Year/Month : 1995 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 近年, 口腔癌の治療成績は, 手術, 放射線, 化学療法の進歩により向上しつつある. 特にブレオマイシン(ペプロマイシン)やシスプラチン, 5-FUなどの強力な化学療法剤の導入は進行癌の手術適応を増やし, あるいは縮小手術を可能にするなど, その果たす役割は大きい. しかし, その効果は同じ組織型の口腔癌でも, 症例によってさまざまである. 化学療法剤の重篤な副作用を回避し, 効率よく適用するために, 薬剤の効果を早期に的確に評価する指標が求められている. 一般に, 抗癌剤は細胞の増殖期に感受性が高く, 細胞周期依存性である. したがって, 抗癌剤投与によって生ずる細胞動態の変化を把握することは, 抗癌剤の効果や感受性を客観的に評価する上で重要である. 水谷, 田畑は口腔癌症例における核DNA量, RNA量の2元的定量による細胞動態解析を行い, 放射線および化学療法効果と細胞動態との間に密接な関連性があることを報告した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 口腔扁平上皮癌, 抗癌剤, 細胞像, 核DNA-RNA量


Title : Study on the Cell Kinetic Analysis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Treated with Anticancer Agents. - Cytofluorometry of Nuclear DNA-RNA Contents in Vitro -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Nobuo ASANO, Kaizo Shimura
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Tha Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 29
Number : 4
Page : 384-399
Year/Month : 1995 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstruct : To clarify the relationship between the effects of chemotherapy and changes in nuclear DNA-RNA content in oral squamous cell carcinona, the auther studied cytological features and cell growth activity in comparison with the nuclear DNA-RNA content using cultured cells (Ca9-22) derived from human carcinoma of the gingiva. The cultured cells were kept in contact with peplomycin (PEP), CDDP and 5-FU, various in concentration, for 2 hours or longer consecutivily, and microscopical observations of cell forms and structure, enumeration of cell counts and cell kinetic analysis of nuclear DNA and RNA by means of cytofluorometry were performed. The results were as follows : 1. Two hours after contact with PEP and CDDP at cytostatic and cytocidal concentration levels, a large number of cells with enlarged nuclei, nucleoli and cytoplasm were observed. As time passed it was higher, this tendency toward enlargement became enhanced. At cytocidal levels of concentration, the occurrence of cell degeneration such as swelling of nuclei and vacuolation of cytoplasm was evident. On the other hand, in the cells which were in contact with 5-FU, morphological changes in nuclei and nucleoli were slight. 2. DNA Histogram and DNA-RNA Cytogram in the groups PEP and CDDP at the cytostatic and cytocidial concentration levels, the accumulation of cells in the G2-M phase in their cell cycle (G2 M block), and an abnormally increased number of polyploid cells with markedly high RNA content were observed. Especially, these changes were remarkable in the group exposed to the cytocidal concentration of the anticancer drugs. In the 5-FU groups, the concentration of G1-S phase cells was noted. 3. In the PEP and CDDP groups, the mean RNA content showed an abnormally higher value than in the control group. The higher the concentation, the more this tendency was pronounced. Meanwhile, the hourly changes in the mean RNA content in the 5-FU group had some parallels with those in the control group. This finding corresponded to the morphological observations that the enlargement of nuclei and cytoplasma was slight. The alteration modality of cell kinetics as shown by the quantification of nuclear DNA and RNA has a close bearing on the morphological change of cells, reflecting the mechanism of the effect of anticancer agents on cell cycle. Experimentaly confirmed is assumed that the abnormal increase in nuclear DNA-RNA content in the PEP and CDDP groups, which in thought to forbode cell degeneration and cytonecrosis, serves as a guideline for the assessment of sensitivity of anticancer agents to oral cancer and their efficacy.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :