


Title : 表面電極を用いたτ-S分析法による顎口腔機能検査法の検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 服部慎太郎, 菅谷英一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔生理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 17-31
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 顎口腔系は狭い領域の中で多くの機能を営んでおり, これらはきわめて秩序だって運営されている. 運動が行われるとき, その機能は作動源である筋の収縮とそれを支配する神経系の制御によって引き起こされている. したがって, 機能運動の正常と異常を理解するには, 筋-神経系の機能状態を知ることが必要不可欠である. 筋電図(electromyogram, EMG)は筋の活動状態を知ることができる手法の一つであるから, この目的のために多くの研究がなされている. 筋電図が歯科領域へ導入されたのは, 1950年頃にMoyers, 河村, 三浦らにより主として表面電極の誘導可能な咬筋, 側頭筋, 顎二腹筋などについて顎運動の活動様式が調べられて以来であり, その後盛んに臨床家によって筋電図が記録されるようになってきた. 筋電図測定の目的のほとんどは臨床診断に役立てるためである. 筋全体が収縮するときには多くの運動単位(Moter Unit)が協同してはたらくが, 全てが常に活動しているわけではなく休止している運動単位も多い.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 表面電極, τ-S分析, 顎機能検査


Title : Assessment of Stomatognathic Function Tests by τ-S Analysis using Surface Electrode
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Shintaro HATTORI, Eiichi Sugaya
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Physiology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 17-31
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : The factors implicated in the causation and development of abnormality or impairment of stomatognathic function are so complicated that much has yet to be done for elucidation. One causative factor involved in the onset of stomatognathic dysfunction is thought to have some bearing on the disharmony in the patterns of occlusion such as premature contact of teeth and eccentric maxillomandibular relation. As a matter of fact, however, correction of dysfunction does not always produce a satisfactory result in patients with stomatognathic dysfunction apparently due to occlusal disturbances. This can be attributed to difficulty in identifying occlusal disturbances in each case. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of a method of testing stomatognathic functions to evaluate occlusal disturbances from other disorders practically. Electromyography has long been used as a diagnostic tool in detecting stomatognathic dysfunctions. τ-S analysis using needle electrodes is one of the electromyographic examination methods. However, in the domain of dentistry, the application of this method to clinical diagnosis is difficult because stress is too heavy on the patients because the examination is invasive. In the present study, we used surface electrodes, in place of needle electrodes, which are kind to the patients and capable of measuring electric activity transmitted from muscle easily, and contrived a device that converts electric activity into the same spike s in the instrument using needle electrodes. With this EMG instrument, τ-S analyses of masseter and temporal muscles were performed and examined the possibility of clinical application. The findings of our experiment were as follows : 1. The τ-S curve f the examinees with healthy stomatognathic function was composed of a gentle slope part and a swiftly ascending part. 2. The EMG of masseter muscle showed a distribution more kinetic than that of temporal muscle. 3. No significant left and right difference was observed in the τ-S curve among the examinees with normal stomatognathic function. 4. Based on the τ-S distribution of 33 persons with normal stomatognathic function, normal indices were formulated. 5. From the above, our τ-S method using surface electrodes was proved useful as one of the methods of testing stomatognathic function.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :