


Title : ガイドプレーンの形態と支台歯の変位に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 宮川英光, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第I講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 32-45
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 パーシャルデンチャーは, 咬合や下顎位の適性な保持を図り, 歯の欠損による残存歯の移動や咬合異常などを予防し, 口腔諸組織を保全すると同時に咀嚼や発音機能の回復を目的としている. そして, 今日まで報告された経過観察や予後調査によると, パーシャルデンチャーの平均使用年数は約5年とされている. この原因として, 義歯の破損や不適合ならびに支台歯の疼痛や喪失等が考えられ, これらの生じる原因の一つとして機能時の義歯の動揺と口腔諸組織との不調和があげられる. 当教室の記村らは床部分の適合性が義歯の動態にどのような影響を与えるのかを研究し, 義歯床の不適合部位と義歯の動揺増加度の関係を報告している. また, 一方では支台装置の機能である支持, 維持, 均衡の三要素が十分に発揮されることも重要であり, これらについて当教室のモーダル解析システムによって材料学的研究や支台装置の設計等の研究が行われ, 三宅らはメタルフレームの動態を観察してフィニッシングライン部の形態差がフレーム強度に影響すことを, 北條はCross arch stabilizationの有効性を証明し, 藤澤は支台装置差による片側遊離端義歯の動態解析を行い, 片側設計のクラスプ義歯は義歯本体と支台歯根尖が動きやすいことを説明し, 佐々木は下顎遊離端義歯の動態に関する研究を行い, バーの形態差よりも材質差がバーの変形に影響を与えると報告している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : エーカースクラスプ, ガイドプレーン, 支台歯の変位量


Title : Study on Guide Plane Structure and Abutment Tooth Movement
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Hidemitsu MIYAGAWA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 32-45
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Partial dentures are usually so designed as to restore the functions of mastication and speech articulation, to retain optimal occlusal relationships, and to conserve narious oral tissues. Needless to say, whether the prosthestic device can serve these purposes or not depends entirely on the success or failure in its basic design. Especially, consideration is given the effects of the lateral force exerted by the clasps on the abutment teeth when a partial denture is placed. In the present study, using a model, we examined and clarified the relationships between abutment tooth movement and placement of a guiding plane, which is clinically used to cope with the untoward effects of the metal attachment. The model has the lower right first molar missing. Akers' clasp was made on the abutment teeth on both sides of the lost tooth. The deviation of the abutment teeth from their normal position was measured at the crown and root apex, respectively. Five kinds of guide plane were prepared : one having a lingual side surface or / and a proximal surface to the missing tooth, and the contral. From th amounts of deviation of the crown and root apex, the rotary axis and the inclination of the abutment tooth were obtained. The findings were as follows. Upon examination of the deviation of the abutment tooth while the clasp was in place, it was found that the abutment without the guide plane moved 0.119mm labilly and 0.187mm distally at the largest portion. On the other hand, the movement of the abutment tooth with the guide plane came within 0.040mm to 0.122mm, depending on the location of the guide plane, and tended to decrease in the direction of the placement of the guide plane. When the center of rotation of the abutment tooth was obtained following the insertion of the clasp, it was related to exsiting of guide plane. From the above, it was made clear that the gide plane is effective as a means of stemming the lateral deviation of a tooth from the objective point of view, at the same time, it was also suggested that the choice of the surface of the abutment tooth is the element of importance.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :