


Title : 歯科用金属の電位に関する基礎的検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 谷内慎一, 浮谷實
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第II講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 46-66
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 歯科補綴の重要な役割は, 歯の実質欠損ならびに周囲組織の欠損に対して, 人工材料により顎口腔系が本来もつべき正常な形態や機能の回復をはかり, 人間の健康を保持・増進し, さらには老化を抑制することが目的である. こうした補綴装置の構成要素である床・維持装置・連絡装置や歯冠修復には, 金属や高分子化合物の人工材料が用いられている. これら補綴用材料の主体は金属材料であり, その用途により単一のものが用いられるのではなく, 複数の全く別種の金属が口腔内に装着されているのが現状である. 口腔内に使用される金属材料の必要条件は, 無害性, 化学安定性, そして優れた機械的性質と簡便な操作性などが要求される. なかでも, 化学的安定性は生物学的用件と関連して重要な条件であり, 口腔内環環により金属の性質は大きく左右され, ことに唾液等が電解質として影響している. また, 口腔内に異種金属が存在すると電気化学的な電位差が生じ, 金属成分の一部は唾液を介してイオン化し, 人によっては生体内に吸収されアレルギー反応が生じる.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯科用金属, 電位, イオン化傾向


Title : A Basic Study on Electric Potential of Dental Metal Materials
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Sinichi YANAI, Makoto Ukiya
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 46-66
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Prosthodontic interventions are primarily intended to restore normal functioning within the oral cavity by repairing defective teeth and the surrounding tissue, using denture bases, retainers, connectors and coronal restoration material. Prosthodontic materials are generally composed of metals. One or more kinds of metal are placed in the oral cavity in the course of prosthodontic treatment. The behavior of metals in the oral cavity is largely dependent on the intraoral environment. Under the influence of saliva, which contains electrolytes, electrochemical potential gradients can occur when two or more metals are used. This can lead to ionization of metals in saliva. The present study was undertaken to measure potentials between two different metals placed in proximity to each other and to determine their polarity in a experimental setting modeled after the oral cavities of prosthodontic patients. At the same time, potentials of metals within the oral cavities of clinical cases were also measured. The experiment used 9 dental materials (amalgam, silver alloy, gold-silver-palladium alloy, 14K gold alloy, 18K gold alloy, platinum alloy, nickel-chromium alloy, cobaltchromium alloy, and pure titanium). Eighty-one pairs of metals were selected from this list, which can be used in the oral cavity. The potential between the two metals (one functioning as the anode and the other as the cathode) was measured for 48 hours using a data logger, while they were immersed in physiological saline and artificial saliva. In 14 dental patients who had merallic restoration mateerials in their oral cavities, oral potentials were measured usong a sensitive direct current volt and ampere meter. The following results were obtained. 1. The tendency for metals to elute as ions can be estimated by measurement of potentials between dental metals. 2. Greet potentials gradients indicate a tendency for metals to ionize (i.e., the tendency for metals to corrode). 3. The combination of gold alloy (gold-silver-palladium alloy, 14K gold, 18K gold or platinum-added gold) and amalgam results in a highly tendency for these metals to elute as ions, becausethrir potential gradient is over 400mV. 4. Especially, care is needed when two or more metals are used in combination. 5. Potentials between two poles in the oral cavity can be measured simply.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :