


Title : 実験的咬合性外傷時におけるイヌ歯根膜の神経に関する免疫組織化学的研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 渡辺真理, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 81-92
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 咬合性外傷とは, 歯を介して加わる咬合圧とそれを受容する歯周組織の負担能力の均衡が崩れた場合に, 歯周組織に生ずる損傷(外傷)であると定義されている. そして近年, 歯科臨床においては種々の問題を惹き起こす要因となることからも注目されている. 咬合性外傷は, 1917年Stillmanより初めて報告されて以来, Glickmanら, Lindheら, Polsonらなどにより, 実験的並びに臨床的にも数多くの研究がなされてきた. それらの多くは臨床症状から歯の動揺度, 歯周ポケットの形成や, X線診査から歯槽骨の変化などを重点的に検索してものである. 咬合性外傷時において歯根膜は, 最も初期に影響をうける組織であるといわれている. 1977年に当教室の岸, 高橋は, 血管鋳型法を用いてイヌ正常歯根膜血管網の立体構築を初めて明らかにし, 以来実験的に歯の移動, 歯の挺出, 再植など多様な研究を行い, 歯根膜の血管については興味ある結果を報告してきた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 咬合性外傷, 歯根膜神経, NFP


Title : An Immunohistochemical Study on the Changes of Nerve Fibers in the Canine Periodontal Ligament During Experimental Occlusal Trauma
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Mari WATANABE, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 30
Number : 1
Page : 81-92
Year/Month : 1995 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : Previous experiments showed that the vascular corrosion casts of the periodontal ligament disappeared in parts due to experimental occlusal trauma, speculating that thrombus was formed, and vascular disrupt in the the local microenvironments was caused. The present study is examine dynamic changes of nerve fibers and periodontal principle fibers of dog premolars during the same experimental occlusal trauma by immnohistochemical method with neurofilament protein (NFP) The results obtained in this study were as follows : (1) In control sections : NFP-immnopositive nerve fibers were observed densely distributed in the apical third of the periodontal ligament. Most of them terminated in a tree-like appearance. The NFP-immnopositive nerve endings were classifid into three types ; Two different thick-type nerve endings and thin-type nerve ending. One of the former types is the same thick-type nerve endings that were observed in the rodent periodontal ligament as a typical Ruffini ending. The other thick-type is less branching and no swelling at the branch endings. The latter is thin-type nerve ending tapered and faded away within periodontal ligament, generally classified as a free nerve ending. (2) At 1 day after occlusal trauma, the periodontal ligament and the NFP-immnopositive nerve fibers remain unchanged. (3) At 3 days after occlusal trauma, the principle fibers of periodontal ligament showed a slightly degeneration. The thin-type of nerve endings in particular manifested granular appearance at the axon terminals. The NFP-immnopositive nerve fibers showed a tendency of increase in number. (4) At 7 days after occlusal trauma, the principle fibers showed more distinctly degenerated. The thick-type of NFP-immnopositive nerve ending was transformed, and small projections were noted at the axon terminals. (5) At 14 days after occlusal trauma, the principle fibers were remarkably remodeled. The direction of the NFP-immnopositive nerve fibers was also altered responding to changes of the principal fibers. The thin-type nerve endings were recovered in their originally form, but the thick-type of nerve endings still remain transformed. In conclusion, the NFP-immnopositive nerve fibers showed various structural changes in different fibers during occlusal trauma till 7 days after occlusal trauma. However, the reaction associated with nerve fibers and principle fibers of periodontal ligament was not always accompanied with distinct changes of disappearance of vascular casts in the same experimental protocol.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : NFP