


Title : オーバーデンチャーに設計した支台装置の差が義歯の動態ならびに支台歯の変位量におよぼす影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 木村茂之, 加藤将人, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学有歯顎補綴学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 30
Number : 4
Page : 355-368
Year/Month : 1996 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」義歯床下の支台歯で義歯の維持や安定を求める方式が補綴医療に導入されたのは, 1806年BarkerがAmerican Dental Conventionで発表したのが最初とされている. その後この形式がGillmoreのAttachmentとして導入され, 以来多数のStud AttachmentやBar Attachmentが開発され, 外傷を伴う顎補綴の症例に応用されてきた. この方法に現在のオーバーデンチャーの概念が取入れられたのは1940~1950年で, 1975年にBrewer A.A., Morrow R.M.によって体系付けられた. 形態は当初のものと類似しているが, その概念は支台歯を全部床義歯下に残存させて, 歯槽骨吸収の防止, 咀嚼時における神経筋機構の確保を目的とするほか, 多くの利点をもっている非常に新しい考え方である. したがって, 臨床での設計に関する報告は勿論の事, 研究面でも多くの報告がなされている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : オーバーデンチャー, 支台装置, モーダル解析


Title : Influence of Overdenture Retainer in Denture Movement and Abutment Teeth Displacement
Subtitle :
Authors : Shigeyuki KIMURA, Masato KATO, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Partial Denture Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 30
Number : 4
Page : 355-368
Year/Month : 1996 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Overdenture has various advantages along with the purposes of preventing alveolar bone resorption and securing neuromuscular system during mastication. Recently, overdenture with attachments is frequently used for denture retainer improvement. Many studies have been conducted on this prosthesis. It is important for denture design to consider both denture movement and abutment teeth. For this study, overdentures were constructed for simulation models attaching two types of coping system, two types of stud attachment, and one type of bar attachment on abutment teeth. We observed the movement of these experiment samples with modal analysis. Displacement of abutment teeth was also measured by the displacement system. The following results obtained from this experimental studies. 1) Examining malposition of dentures and abutment teeth, it was clarified that malposition of abutment teeth was interlocked with that of dentures. 2) Examining characteristics of retainer from displacement quantity, it is small with coping system, while it is large with attachments. 3) Resonance peak is roughly classified into Mode 1,2, and 3. Mode 3 is the high area, which is assumed to be caused by retainer. 4) Denture displacement was roughly classified into two groups ; contact type coping system and bar attachment, and, ceka and magnetic attachment. 5) Abutment teeth displacement is more remarkable in vertical direction than in horizontal direction. These results suggest : Stud attachment is a device appropriately conveying information in dentures to abutment teeth. Coping system is a device mainly working as a denture base occlusion pressure support system. Bar attachment, which shows the trend similar to stud attachment, is considered to be a retainer which reduce the load of abutment teeth.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :