


Title : 歯磨剤の使用量に関する研究 (II)
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 黒羽加寿美, 加藤昌美, 小宮山まりこ, 下井戸さよ, 岩瀬寧, 荒川浩久, 飯塚喜一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 30
Number : 4
Page : 397-404
Year/Month : 1996 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」歯口清掃の際に併用する歯磨剤のうち, 科学的に有効性が立証され, かつ安全性の高い薬用成分を配合している医薬部外品歯磨剤は, 歯科疾患を予防・抑制し, 口腔内の健康を保持・増進するためのセルフケアー用品として注目されている. 歯磨剤の剤型も, 最近では練状だけでなく液状や液体と様々なものが市販され, 歯磨剤を使用している人の認識も変化しているものと思われる. また, 歯磨剤の使用量は歯磨剤チューブの口径やブラッシング時に用いる歯ブラシの刷毛部の長径によって左右されることが前回の報告でわかっており, 最近の歯ブラシヘッドの小型化傾向を考慮すると, 歯磨剤使用量が少なくなりすぎて, ブラッシング後に薬用成分の有効濃度が口腔環境中に保持されないおそれもある. そこで今回は, 歯ブラシヘッドの大きさと歯磨剤チューブの口径を2種類に統一したものを用いることにより, 歯磨剤の使用量に影響する因子は何かを検討した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 使用歯磨剤量, 歯ブラシヘッド長径, 歯磨剤チューブ口径, 歯磨剤使用習慣


Title : Studies on the Amount of Dentifrice Used as Toothbrushing (II)
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazumi KUROHA, Masami KATO, Mariko KOMIYAMA, Sayo SHIMOIDO, Yasushi IWASE, Hirohisa ARAKAWA, Yoshikazu IIZUKA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health and Public Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 30
Number : 4
Page : 397-404
Year/Month : 1996 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Toothbrushing is considered as the most principal self-care measure for promoting oral health. And the dentifrice is the most common oral-care product for improving the cleaning efficacy of toothbrush. In Japan, more than 80% of all dentifrice is medicated. However, we have some apprehension that effective content of medicinal agent may not be retained in oral cavity due to the current trend of small amount of dentifrice used. Therefore, we conducted the survey on the amount of dentifrice used as toothbrushing in this study. The subjects were 111 dental students in 5th grade (male ; 78, female ; 33, mean age ; 23.4 yrs.) and divided into four groups with four combinations of the length of toothbrush head (23mm or 25mm) and the orifice diameter of dentifrice tube (7mm or 8mmφ) ; these conditions were kept the subjects in the dark. The subjects were questioned about their usage of dentifrice as toothbrushing and given instructions that they should prepare a ribbon of dentifrice on each toothbrush as usual. They were given a new toothbrush which was already measured its weight. After each subjects had squeezed the paste from the tube onto the toothbrush, the weight of them was recorded with a balance. While 99.1% of all subjects were using dentifrice as toothbrushing, they intended to use smaller amount of dentifrice. Although the average amount of dentifrice prepared on the toothbrush between two kinds of the length of toothbrush head didn't vary significantly, the amount of longer one was much higher than that of shorter one. On the other hand, the average amount of dentifrice between two kinds of the orifice diameters of dentifrice tubes showed a significant difference (p<0.05). It was also suggested that the length of ribbon of paste squeezed out is the most important criteria of amount of dentifrice used for the persons who are careful not to use too much dentifrice. In conclusion, the orifice diameter of dentifrice tube is considered as the most important factor that affects the amount of dentifrice used without consciousness.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :