


Title : 各種歯冠外アタッチメントの応力分布特性
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 大津久夫, 服部慎太郎, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学有歯顎補綴学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 31
Number : 1
Page : 32-47
Year/Month : 1996 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「諸言」パーシャルデンチャーを設計するとき, 義歯に加わる機能圧の分散や均等配分を考慮することは義歯の安定ならびに残存諸組織の保護という点で非常に重要な事項の一つであり, これらに関する事項について, 義歯とこれを取り巻く生体組織の応力緩和に関する研究が数多くなされている. 当教室ではこれまで動的荷重下で振動学的解析法の一つであるモーダル解析法を用いてさまざまな義歯の動態観察を行ってきた. 藤沢はテレスコープデンチャー, アタッチメントデンチャー, クラスプデンチャーなどの片側遊離端義歯の動態観察を行い, 各種支台装置が支台歯に与える影響を変位量及び応力の減衰量から検討し, クラスプ義歯では支台歯が咬合力の対処に劣ることを明らかにした. また米谷は, 下顎第一大臼歯欠損症例において, ブリッジ, テレスコープデンチャー, クラスプデンチャーを設計し, これらの装置の違いが支台歯に与える影響を観察し, 欠損部と支台歯の連結が強固なものほど変位が少ないことを報告した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 応力解析, 片側遊離端義歯, 歯冠外アタッチメント


Title : A Study on Stress Distribution of Extra Coronal Attachments
Subtitle :
Authors : Hisao OHTSU, Shintaro HATTORI, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Removable Denture Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 31
Number : 1
Page : 32-47
Year/Month : 1996 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: In the present study, intended to cast light on the hither to unkown transmission process of occlusal forces from dentures through abutment teeth, we examined the effects of differences in denture design, especially among types of retainer (examine how the design factors in different types of retainer affect on the transmission of occlusal pressure) by means of the non-contact type dynamic stress analyzer. The results were as follows : 1. In every type of dental prosthetic device, the total mean values of stress suggested that 52.7% of forcibly exerted pressure was brought to bear on artificial teeth, and the rest was almost equally shared by the abutment tooth 4 (12.1%), the abutment tooth 5 (16.5%) and denture-supporting tissues (17.8%). 2. The total mean values of stress also indicated that the amount of forces stood at 245U for the abutment tooth 4, 335U for the abutment tooth 5 and 380U. In terms of the even distribution of functional pressure, all the devices were found performing the function of protecting residual tissues. 3. The use of bilaterally treated clasps resulted in greatly reducing the burden the abutment has to share (total mean stress value : 240U). This is probably because of dispersion of exerted forces among many abutment teeth. By contrast, unilaterally treated clasps induced an increase in stress loads directed against the abutment (total mean value : 314U). 4. When the Cone-T type appliances were used, the pressure against the abutnent was less than expected, but the range of stress distribution was larger than that observed when the clasps were used. 5. Among the attachment dentures, Mini-Dalbo induced slightly larger stress in the abutment and dentrue-supporting tissues than Dalbo.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :