


Title : 遊離端義歯の予後観察 その3 デュオロックアタッチメント症例
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 清水洋, 湯川光徳, 新井勉, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第I講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 31
Number : 1
Page : 93-101
Year/Month : 1996 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「諸言」遊離端欠損を局部床義歯で補綴する際, 咬合圧は残存歯と顎堤に支持を求めることになる. したがって欠損部顎堤の骨吸収が激しく, 支持を求めにくい場合には支台装置の種類によって残存歯にかかる負担が大きくなり, 残存歯を早期に喪失させる原因となる. そのため残存歯と欠損部顎堤にかかる咬合力をどのように配分し, 支持させるかが問題となった. 義歯の支持様式にはnon-rigid support (non-rigid connection)とrigid support (rigid connection)に大きく分けることができ, rigid supportの考え方が見直され, 臨床的評価もされている. 従来のクラスプを支台装置とした義歯では, 支台歯に対しての支持が不十分であり, 審美性, 心理的, 異物感などの問題が残る. これらを少しでも解決するために, 支台装置にテレスコープ・クラウンやアタッチメントが応用されてきた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : Duolock attachment, 咬合平面の単一化, 咀嚼筋筋電図, 負担軽減


Title : The Observation of a Free-End Saddle Denture - Part 3, The Clinical Evaluation of Combination with DUOLOCK Attachment -
Subtitle :
Authors : Hiroshi SHIMIZU, Mitsunori YUKAWA, Tsutomu ARAI, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The 1st Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 31
Number : 1
Page : 93-101
Year/Month : 1996 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Treat the free end saddle missing cases by partial dentures, the dentures require the retention for the teeth and the alveolar ridge. When the alveolar ridge is adverse condition, the load for the teeth tends to increase, so it must be considered how to support the occlusal forces. The design of rigid support have a better oppinion in recent years, and have much value on clinical treatment. The telescope crown and attachments are using for the rigid support retainers. The telescope crown have the advantages of the function, the aesthetic, the insertion, the occlusal reconstruction and the depuration, but it also have disadvantages of the shedding of abutment core or inner cap and increses the mobility of abutment teeth. The attachments have many types and so it must be considered the missing type, condition of abutment teeth and autagonist teeth and then select the suitable attachment for use. In this case, used the extracoronal attachment DUOLOCK and made a free end saddle denture. Used a masseters electromyogram and observed the condition of the massters, and the results were as follows, 1. The masseter of habitualy occlusion side showed the big movement. 2. There were no gingival hyperplasia underneath of the DUOLOCK attachment's female. 3. The retentive force of DUOLOCK attachment decreased after 2 years use and it needed to be adjusted.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Duolock attachment