


Title : 義歯補強材料の効果に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 杉村大介, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学有歯顎補綴学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 31
Number : 2
Page : 164-179
Year/Month : 1996 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」PMMAレジンは, その操作性, 経済性, 成形性等に優れた点から義歯床材料として広く用いられているが, 機械的強度が金属床と比較して著しく小さい為, 長期間の使用に伴い疲労劣化して応力集中箇所で破壊する事が多いとされている. この問題の一解決法として, 臨床では古くからこの材質的な欠点を補い強度の向上をはかる目的で, レジン床内部に補強材料(以下, 補強材)を埋入する方法が用いられてきた. しかし, この方法により床の厚さが増加して口腔感覚を障害したり, 埋入した補強材と床用レジンが機械的な結合である為に逆に応力集中を招いて床の破折原因となったり, 補強材の設置方法が困難であったりして, その効果に疑問をもちながら使用されていた. 最近, 歯科臨床の各分野に接着性レジンが導入され, 義歯の補強方法への応用の一つとして接着性即時重合レジンでコーティングした補強材を義歯床に埋入し, 床用レジンと補強材との接着効果をもたせ, 義歯床の強化を期待できる様になってきた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 補強材料, 接着性レジン, モーダル解析


Title : A Study on Effect of Reinforcing Materials for Denture Base Resin
Subtitle :
Authors : Daisuke SUGIMURA, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Partial Denture Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 31
Number : 2
Page : 164-179
Year/Month : 1996 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: There are reportedly many cases in which a denture base made of PMMA resin was fatigued and deteriorated by long standing use, resulting in fracture at the point on which stress is concentraged. A high incidence of fracture in the acrylic resin denture base is attributed to its mechanical-strenght, which is for inferior to that of the metal base. As a mean of supplementing this qualitative shortcoming and increasing strenght, the common practice is to embed wires in the acrylic resin base. But this procedure has drawbacks. The denture base must be made thick, which would fail to meet the patient's functional as well as psychoneurological needs. The mechanical binding of resin and reinforcement wire, as it turns out, serves as an inducement to the concentration, instead of dispersion, of stress, causing a break of the denture base. On top of these, difficulty is involved in wiring. Recently, a method of embedding reinforcement wires coated with metal bonding self-curing resin in the denture has been developed with the aim of strenghening the denture base by increased bonding effect of the wire and denture base resin. In the present study, we used two type of denture base, different in thickness, and performed a modal analysis to find what is the most effective way to reinforce denture bases. 1. Two types of vibration mode were detected in the denture base. Mode 1 was within the range of 123Hz to 500Hz, and Mode 2 from 1KHz to 2KHz. 2. Observation of movement revealed that a solid mode 1 was confined only to 2mm thick PMMA samples (PM-C). In other samples, a combination of bent and torsion modes was detected. 3. The denture bases changed their from in the vertical direction more markedly than in any other directions. PM-C samples were easier to bend than any other materials. 4. Shearing strenght tests showed that any reinforcement method does not make much difference in strenght among 2mm thick samples. However, among 3mm samples, increased strenght was noted in PMMA bases (PM-NET), PMMA bases enbedded with metal bonding self-curing resin coated nets (PM-NET/M), enbedded metal nets and PMMA bases embedded with metal bonding self-curing resin coated bars (PM-BAR/M). 5. In shearing strenght tests, most of the non-reinforced samples ended up in complete breakage, but reinforced samples did no more than crack.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :