


Title : 電鋳金属に対する前装用硬質レジンの接着性に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山田直樹, 澤田智慈, 浮谷實
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学無歯顎補綴学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 31
Number : 3
Page : 217-232
Year/Month : 1996 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」電鋳加工法は1838年にロシアのJakobにより発明された金属成型法の一つで, 母型に対して直接金属を析出させそれを製品とする金属加工法であり, 工業界ではレコード原盤, プラスチック射出成形金型, レーダー導波管, 楽器のホーンなどの精密工業分野で広く応用されている. 歯科分野においては, Rogers.O,W, 野口らにより電鋳加工法が紹介されて以来, 澤田は歯科領域への応用を行い, 林, 渡辺らは電鋳加工法の利点を発展させ, 臨床への導入を目的として, 金属床用メタルフレームや金属焼付ポーセレン冠のメタルコーピングへの応用, 電鋳金属と床用加熱重合レジンの接着性について報告している. 電鋳金属は鋳造金属と比較して金属加工後においても良質で滑沢な表面形態を呈し, 溶融に伴い発生する反応層が無いなどの特徴がある. さらに, 析出金属を最小量に設定することが容易であり, また, 電流条件により物質的性質及び製作時間の調節が可能で複雑な形態でも忠実に再現する利点を持つ.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 電鋳金属, 前装用硬質レジン, 接着


Title : Adhesiveness of Hard Resin to Electroformed Metals
Subtitle :
Authors : Naoki YAMADA, Tomoji SAWADA, Makoto Ukiya
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Complete Denture Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 31
Number : 3
Page : 217-232
Year/Month : 1996 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Recently, novel resin materials have been developed : due to its higher adhesion to metals, the crown veneered with hard resin without vesting retention beads, mechanical retainer and metal backing is now applied in dental practice. However, precise adhesion order of the resin materials for metals is not well defined. Therefore, we tested adhesive abilities of silan-resin materials, Dentacolor and Conquest Thermo Crystal, and of primer-resin materials, Newmetacolor (carboxylate) and Seceed (phosphate ester). To exclude both the possibility that the primers easily adhere to the oxidation layer and interaction of the adhesive resins with reaction layer formed when casted, we selected the nonprecious metal electroformed as the test metal. As experimental conditions, we used an electric current of 0.1, 0.4 , 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6A to make the electroforming metal ; the surface roughness of the metals was checked after sand-blasting. The shear adhesive strength was also tested. In addition, peeling surfaces of metal and resin sides were assessed by SEM and EPMA. The results are as following : 1) hard resins adhered to the electroforming metal with values of 127.5kg/cm2 and 88.6kg/cm2 in the silan-resin and primer-resin, respectively ; 2) EPMA analysis revealed the presence of resin pieces on the peeling surface of the metal, indicating the occurence of resin destruction ; 3) there was no relationship between electric currents used for electroforming metals and adhesive strength ; 4) sand-blasting was effective on the adhesion ; 5) the adhesion was affected by surface conditions, i.e. roughness ; and 6) electroforming metal adheres to the hard resin film-blendly ; thus a crown veneered with the resin is manufactured without vesting metal backing and mechanical retainer.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :