


Title : 実験的咬合性外傷時におけるイヌ歯根膜血管の初期変化について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 桐ヶ谷理, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 32
Number : 1
Page : 50-68
Year/Month : 1997 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 咬合性外傷とは, “歯を介して加わる咬合圧とそれを受容する歯周組織の均衡が崩れた場合に, 歯周組織に生じる損傷(外傷)である”と定義されている. 歯は歯根膜によって歯槽の中に保持され, その線維束によって咬合圧を受けとめているというSicherの説が信じられてきたが, 咬合圧を線維束のみで受けとめることは不可能であるという説もある. このため, Castelli, Dempster, Egelberg, Birn, 福島, 安藤らは, 歯根膜血管網に注目し血管に色素を注入した組織切片を光学顕微鏡にて観察を行ったが, 部分的な観察にとどまったため種々の誤解を生じた. しかし, Kindlova, Matena, Kindlovaらは, ラテックスを歯根膜血管に注入し実体顕微鏡下における観察を行い, 歯根膜に分布する発達した血管網が咬合圧を緩和し, 歯槽骨への衝撃を少なくしているという可能性を示唆した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 咬合性外傷, 血管鋳型, 歯根膜血管, 血流障害, 血栓


Title : Initial Changes of the Vasculature of Dog's Periodontal Membrane Subjected to Experimental Occlusal Trauma
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Makoto KIRIGAYA, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 32
Number : 1
Page : 50-68
Year/Month : 1997 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] To evaluate the effects of occlusal trauma on the periodontal vasculature, occlusal trauma was experimentally induced by increasing the vertical dimension of the occlusion, and the time-course of the periodontal vasculature in early phase after the operation was studied with the use of vascular corrosion casts and by histopathological examination under a scanning electron microscope. We found that the normal periodontal vascular network consisted of two layers : the venular network on the alveolar bone surface and a capillary network on the tooth root. One day after the operation the periodontal vasculature showed a network-like pattern in the direction of occlusal force, that is, toward the longitudinal axis of the tooth. At sites subjected to particularly heavy occlusal force, severing of the capillary network and decreased numbers of capillaries were seen in vascular casts, and the alveolar bone was exposed. The area found these changes increased with time and extended to the periodontal vascular networks. Seven days after the operation the capillary network had disappeared over the entire alveolar bone. Changes were also found by SEM study in the vascular lumen ; projections from endothelial cells to the lumen, coagulation of erythrocytes and other cells, fissures between endothelial cells, and the shedding of endothelial cells were seen three-dimensionally. The results suggest that occlusal trauma causes extensive blood flow disturbances via endothelial cell dysfunction in the periodontal vascular network immediately after the experimentally induced trauma employed in the present study.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :