


Title : 顎堤の対向関係と顎堤形態差が義歯ならびに床下組織に与える影響について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 齋藤満寿乃, 松尾悦郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学有歯顎補綴学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 32
Number : 2
Page : 175-184
Year/Month : 1997 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 高齢化社会を迎えて, 総義歯や粘膜負担義歯の需要が増加する傾向が強く見られるようになった. 高齢患者における口腔内条件は, 口腔諸組織の形態的変化や生理的変化によって様々な様相を示し, 歯槽骨の吸収に多くの形態差が見られる他, この形態差が原因となって上下の位置的な顎間関係に変化を生じ, 人工歯配列時に通常の被蓋関係での対処が困難とされる場合がある. 総義歯の人工歯配列の位置決定には, 一般的な上下顎の歯槽頂を基準とた歯槽頂間線に準拠する配列法や口腔軟組織と口腔機能との調和を考慮して人工歯をNeutral zoneに配列するFlange techniqueなどがある. これらは機能時の義歯の安定を主体として考えて, 咬合力を均等に床下組織に分散させようとするものである. 特に歯槽頂間線による方法では, 上顎歯槽頂と下顎歯槽頂を結ぶ仮想線上に人工歯を配列するので, 一般的な顎堤の吸収傾向では上顎顎堤が下顎顎堤に対して小さくなりやすく, 下顎を中心に考えて配列した場合には, 上顎人工歯の配列位置が歯槽頂から外側に位置することになる.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯槽頂間線, 応力解析, 顎堤形態


Title : Effects of Vertical Relations between Opposing Dental Arches and Difference in Shape of Alveolar Ridges on Alveoli and Dentures
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Masuno SAITO, Etsuro Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 32
Number : 2
Page : 175-184
Year/Month : 1997 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] In complete denture construction, artificial teeth are arranged in proper places in a manner so as to mark teeth alignment conform to the interalveolar ridge line with the alveolar crests of the maxillae and mandible as a datum or are planted in the neutral zone in consideration of a harmonious relationship of oral soft tissues to oral function. The chief concern in this latter method is to maintain the stability of a denture during mastication by distributing occlusal forces evenly throughout the denture-supporting tissue. In this study, we analyzed variations of stress exerted on dentures and supporting tissues with changes in the angle of interalveolar ridge line and in the form of alveolar ridges. For experimentation, maxillary and mandibular dentures invested with artificial mucous membrane were fabricated and mounted on a study cast. By applying impact to the upper jaw when the occluding surface of opposing teeth are in contact, analyses were made on the stresses transmitted to the mandibular denture and its underlying tissues. Angles of alveolar ridges were set at 60, 15, and 5 degrees, while angles of interalveolar ridges line were given 90, 80 and 70 degrees. As a stress analyzer, the non contact type dynamic stress analyzing system SPATE 9000 (OMETRON, Co.) was used. How to convey stress to interalveolar, between opposing dental arches and difference in shape of alveolar ridges the dynamic analyses were made using these three types of alveolar ridge and interalveolar ridge line, respectively. The results were as follows : 1. Under the influence of interalveolar ridge line and stress on the alveoli and inside denture are influenced by interalveolar ridge line and shape of alveolar ridges. 2. Given alveolar ridge line angle of 90, stress on alveolar are reasonable. 3. Given alveolar ridge angle of 60 and 15, a shape stress was observed, the buccal marginal position of the denture-supporting tissues. But, on alveolar ridge angle of alveolar ridge and interalveolar ridge line, stress increase on alveolar ridge angle of 5 was not observed. 4. With the decrease in the angle of alveolar ridge and interalveolar ridge line, stress increase on denture, and the cause of denture fracture.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :