


Title : 小児の齲蝕および不正咬合が咬合発育に及ぼす影響について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 千葉伸一, 大山洋, 内村登
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 33
Number : 4
Page : 163-174
Year/Month : 1998 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 WHOは, 21世紀に向かう歯科医療が『健やかな生活は口腔保健から』を目指す医療であるとしている. 日野原は医療には疾病のみを対象とするcureと, 人間を含めて診るcareがあり, この両方のバランスが重要であると述べている. 今後の歯科医療は, 口腔の健康の保持増進によって全身の健康に寄与することを目的に発達したcare中心の医療への転換が急務と考えられる. 歯科学において, 咬合は, 発達期から老年期に至るまでの歯科臨床の中心的な課題である. その咬合の機能とは, 下顎運動, 咀嚼能力, 筋活動量, 咬合小面, 咬合接触面積, 咬合力, 咬合圧などの咬合に関与する総合的な機能を表す. また, 人間の一生のなかで, 発達期とくに乳幼児期は, 将来にわたり身体的・精神的に人間としての基礎を創る大変重要な時期である. その小児において, 顔面頭蓋の成長がきわめて活発な時期に歯の萌出があり, 周囲の機能的軟組織に適応しながら, 咬合状態へと導かれ, そして, 下顎運動という機能要素が顎関節形態および咬合面の解剖学的形態を機能形態へと変貌させる一方, 歯の交換を含めたそれらの形態変化が下顎運動のあり方を強く支配する要素としてフィードバックしつつ, 咬合機能が成熟していく.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : デンタルプレスケール(R), 齲蝕, 修復物, 不正咬合, Hellmanの歯齢


Title : A Study on How the Development of Occlusal Functions Were Influenced by Dental Caries and/or Malocclusion
Subtitle :
Authors : Shinichi CHIBA, Hiroshi OYAMA, Noboru Uchimura
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 33
Number : 4
Page : 163-174
Year/Month : 1998 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] In the field of pediatric dentistry an accurate observation of the general function of the masticatory apparatus and changes in normal growth appears to be very important. Not only for future developments of healthy oral functions, but possibly also for good mental and psychological growth, it is extremely important to comprehend the influence of dental caries restoration and malocclusion during infancy on the entire masticatory apparatus. In the present study we measured occlusal contact surface, occlusal force, maximal and mean occlusal pressure in 759 infants examined using Dental Prescale(R) to evaluate the condition of the occlusion for children. Comparison of these measurements classified by occlusion for each of Hellman's dental ages and according to the condition of dental caries and occlusion, revealed the following : 1. Occlusal contact area and occlusal force in the normal and dental caries groups increased from the early period of stage IIA to the later period of stage IIA and revealed decreasing tendency from the later period of stage IIA to stage IIC. 2. Occlusal contact area and occlusal force in the restoration group increased slightly from the early period of stage IIA to stage IIC. 3. The dental caries group was indicated that the occlusal contact area and the occlusal force decreased about 40% less, and the restrative group found lower tendency than the normal group at each dental age. 4. Occlusal contact surface in the malocclusion group was slightly smaller than in the normal group, observing also a decreasing occlusal force. 5. There were significant difference between the malocclusion group and the normal occlusion group at dental age IIC on the occlusal contact area and the occlusal force. These results suggest that the development of occlusal functions are influenced by dental caries and/or malocclusion from the early period of stage IIA to stage IIC. And the development of occlusal functions were not improved to normal level by restorations for dental caries.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :