


Title : 付着上皮の再生過程における超微構造学的研究
Subtitle :
Authors : 木次大介
Authors(kana) : きつぎだいすけ
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯周病学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 34
Number : 4
Page : 178-192
Year/Month : 1999 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 歯頸部歯面と歯肉固有層の間に位置する付着上皮は特殊な上皮構造として注目され, 多くの形態学的研究が報告されている. 付着上皮は発生学的に退縮エナメル上皮に由来し, 歯の萌出の後半期では, 退縮エナメル上皮のすべてが付着上皮に変化するといわれている1). この付着上皮は形態学的に基底細胞と扁平細胞からなっており, 口腔粘膜(歯肉溝)上皮に連続した構造を確立し, 歯-歯肉結合を形成している. 付着上皮は歯冠側領域では数層の扁平上皮細胞より構成されるが, 根尖側へいくにつれその層の数を減じ, 最根尖側では単層となりセメント-エナメル境付近まで達する. さらに歯肉外縁上皮や歯肉溝上皮と比較して, 上皮細胞間のデスモゾームの数も約1/3と少なく, 細胞間隙が広く, 細胞骨格としてのフィラメントがきわめて少ないのが特徴である2~4). 付着上皮の特有の形態学的構造としては, 歯の表面側および固有層側の両方に基底膜を有することである.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 付着上皮, 再生, ヘミデスモゾーム, 孤立線毛


Title : Ultrastructural Study of Junctional Epithelium in the Post-operative Regenerating Process
Subtitle :
Authors : Daisuke KITSUGI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Periodontology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 34
Number : 4
Page : 178-192
Year/Month : 1999 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Many studies have been carried out to examine the mechanisms of attachment of the junctional epithelium (JE) to the tooth surface. However many of these studies were based on the results obtained by light microscopic observations of the JE following the periodontal surgery. Therefore, fine structures of the JE attachment to the teeth and changes of cell organella following periodontal surgery remain to be investigated. The present study was undertaken to clarify the changes in the ultrastructure of the regenerating JE after periodontal flap surgery. Male Wistar rats were used in this study. Upper molar teeth of the animals were used for periodontal flap surgery, and semi-thin and thin sections of operation teeth were made from the animals at 2 to 16 weeks after the operation. These specimens were investigated with light and electron microscopies. The JE migrated in an apical direction along the root surface was found at 4 weeks after the operation. The hemidesmosome were observed on the sulcular side of JE at 4 weeks after the operation. Moreover the single cilium of several epithelial cells of JE were indentified at 16 weeks after the operation. These results suggest that JE attachment to the tooth surface starts at 4 weeks after the periodontal flap operation, but they appear to regenerate completely with special reference to ultrastructural morphological criteria as JE attachment around the periodontal tissue at 16 weeks after the operation.
Practice : Dentistry
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