


Title : 隣接面齢蝕予防材の開発に関する実験的研究
Subtitle :
Authors : 小松太一
Authors(kana) : こまつたいち
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 35
Number : 1
Page : 1-12
Year/Month : 2000 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 少子高齢化, 核家族化が進み, 21世紀に向け医療介護が必要となってくる1). 数年後には高齢者医療が, 圧倒的な医療費の供給不足を生む可能性があり, それゆえに, 疾病後に対する大きな医療負担よりも, 公衆衛生的でかつ身体負担の軽い, 疾病予防を考える医療および健康を維持する医療に移行しなければならなくなってきている. 歯科においては, ホームケアとしてプラークコントロール, 日常臨床ではProfessional Mechanical Tooth Cleaning(以下PMTC)が歯科疾患の予防処置として行われており, PMTCでのフッ化物応用は欠かせないものとなっている. フッ化物局所応用を行っている国や地域は多く, フッ化物歯面塗布, フッ化物配合歯磨剤は広く普及している. また, さらに飲料水へのフッ化物の添加, フッ化物補充剤などフッ化物の全身応用を行っている国や地域も現在広く存在することが報告されている2). 齲蝕経験指数(DMFT指数)の調査2,3)をみると, フッ化物応用の普及に積極的な国ほどDMFT指数は低く, フッ化物の齲蝕抑制効果の有用性は明らかである.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 隣接面齲蝕, 齲蝕予防, フッ素徐放, ポリビニールアルコール


Title : Experimental Study on the Development of a Preventive Material for Interproximal Surface Caries
Subtitle :
Authors : Taichi KOMATSU
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pediatric Dentistry,Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 35
Number : 1
Page : 1-12
Year/Month : 2000 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : There has been a decrease in the incidence of occiusal caries and serious caries seen in deciduous teeth due to widely spread procedures in caries prevention. The interproximal surface caries in growing up preschool children, however, had become more apparent. It is very important task for dentist to prevent from making the caries in the interproximal surface. So, fluoride releasing film was therefore formulated to facilitate caries prevention. This study investigated the fundamental characters of the film that was made from 8wt% poly vinyl alcohol, sodium fluoride solution and 5.04wt% glycerin. Films were divided into 3 types, each film contained 0.5%, 1.0% and 2% fluoride solution. Physicochemical characters of the film were investigated through the viscosity test, the tensile strength test and surface analysis were examined with the use of E type viscosity apparatus, tension apparatus, scanning electron microscope and scanning prove microscope, respectively. Fluoride containing film and fluoride uptake to hydroxyapatite were measured using a fluoride specific electrode. Calcium releasing from the hydroxyapatite was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results were obtained as follows after these tests were performed. The film was strong enough to insert to the interproximal surface. The film was disappeared perfectly within distilled water about 60 minutes through gel situation. Fluoride releasing from the film was the highest level within 7~8 minutes and was decreased to base line within 30~40 minutes. Fluoride releasing from the film was taken into hydroxyapatite sinter and showed resistance to acid. These findings suggested that the film is useful to prevent the caries of interproximal surface of deciduous teeth.
Practice : Dentistry
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