


Title : ヒト歯肉由来線維芽細胞培養上清中のヒト歯根膜由来線維芽細胞に対する遊走活性因子の精製
Subtitle :
Authors : 光家由紀子, 出口眞二*
Authors(kana) : こうけゆきこ, でぐちしんじ
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科保存学講座, *神奈川歯科大学歯周病学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 35
Number : 1
Page : 39-50
Year/Month : 2000 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 歯周治療後の理想的な歯周組織の治癒形態は, 新生セメント質を伴う結合組織性付着である1,2). Melcher3)は歯周外科処置後の歯根表面に再び付着する細胞の種類により, その部位の付着形態が決定されると述べている. Isidorら4)は新生セメント質と結合組織性付着の獲得は, 歯根膜組織より遊走してきた細胞が, 歯根表面へ付着する事が重要であると報告している. それゆえ, 新生セメント質を伴う結合組織性付着において, 歯根膜組織からの細胞の遊走は必須5)であると考えられる. 歯根膜組織を構成する細胞は, 線維芽細胞だけでなく, セメント芽細胞, 骨芽細胞, そして, 未分化間葉細胞の存在が報告されている6,7). これらの未分化間葉細胞が歯根膜から遊走してきて歯根表面に付着し, セメント芽細胞に分化・増殖後, 新生セメント質を形成する. これにより, 長い接合上皮性付着が経時的に歯冠側方向へ短小化していき, 結合組織性付着へ置換されていくと考えられている8).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Purification of Chemotactic Factor for Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts from Conditioned Medium of Human Gingival Fibroblasts
Subtitle :
Authors : Yukiko KOKE, Shinji DEGUCHI*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics,Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Periodontology,Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 35
Number : 1
Page : 39-50
Year/Month : 2000 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Fibroblasts from gingiva and periodontal ligament are the major cellular components of periodontal soft connective tissues. We have previously shown that the conditioned medium of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs-CM) enhances motility of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPLFs). This study describes the purification and partial characterization of the chemotactic factor in HGFs-CM on HPLFs. Checkerboard analysis with HPLFs showed that HGFs-CM stimulated directed (chemotactic) motility but not random (chemokinetic) migration. HGFs-CM was active on HGFs and human alveolar bone cells as a motility factor, but did not stimulate osteogenic sarcoma cells. Conditioned medium from the HGFs grown in serum-free medium was fractionated on the IEC-DEAE column. The chemotactically active fraction was eluted with 0.20M to 0.38M NaCI. Chemotactic factor was purified from the heparin-bound fraction of chemotactically active fraction eluted from the IEC-DEAE column, and finally further purified by the Mini Q anion exchange column. The purified factor had a relative molecular weight of approximately 30kDa when applied to sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In other experiments, antibody directed against platelet-derived growth factor did not inhibit HPLFs migration by the purified factor (30kDa HGFs-CM) and was found by Western blotting study to lack platelet-derived growth factor-BB in 30kDa HGFs-CM. These findings suggested that 30kDa HGFs-CM may be a novel protein stimulating migration of HPLFs. It may have important roles in periodontal ligament cell promoting healing, and consequently, useful for clinical application in periodontal regeneration.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Human gingival, Fibroblasts, chemotaxis, Purify, conditioned medium