


Title : フッ化物摂取と排泄のバランスに関する研究
Subtitle : 異なったフッ化物投与量と方法がフッ化物バランスに及ぼす影響
Authors : 宋文群
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 36
Number : 4
Page : 207-214
Year/Month : 2001 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : フッ化物(以下“F”とする)はあらゆる飲食物に含まれるため, 今までの観察を通してヒトの寿命に影響するほどの欠乏症は認められた事実がない1). しかし, 実験哺乳動物における介入研究により必須性が証明され2, 3), Ni, Si, Sn, Vらとともに, “おそらく必須の微量元素”として分類されている. 現在のところ, 日本人の栄養所要量にF摂取基準は示されていないが, アメリカでは1989年の栄養所要量に収載され4), 1997年のDietary Reference Intakes5)において, より詳細な適正基準が示された. この0.05mg F/kg体重/日という適正基準の設定は, 歯のフッ素症を生じることなく, 最大の齲蝕抑制効果を発揮した水道水F添加地域での観察結果が根拠となっている. しかしながら, F摂取量が同じであっても, 食事の形態(固形か水溶性か)や食事中の共存物質(Ca, Mg, Pなど)によって, Fの吸収程度に差のあることが示され6~11), 比較的Fを多く含む食品を摂取しているといわれている日本人にとって, 全身的F応用実施による生物学的影響を解明するには, 飲食物ならびにF製剤などからの“Fの摂取-吸収-排泄のバランス”を知る必要がある.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : フッ化物摂取, 尿中フッ化物排泄, 糞中フッ化物排泄, フッ化物バランス


Title : Studies on the Balance of Fluoride Intake and Excretion
Subtitle : Influence of Different Fluoride Administration and Dose on Fluoride Balance
Authors : Wenqun SONG
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health and Public Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 36
Number : 4
Page : 207-214
Year/Month : 2001 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of different fluoride administration and fluoride dose on fluoride balance and examine the influence of water fluoridation, by measuring the fluoride contents in lower incisor teeth and femora, and those excreted to the urine and feces in the rats. The standard of fluoride intakes (0.05mg F/kg body weight/day) adopted in the United States is from the observations among people living in the fluoridated area that demonstrated the most caries reduction without occurrence of dental fluorosis. It is necessary that we determine and know the balance of the intake-absorption-excretion of fluoride to clarify the biological influence of water fluoridation, because the absorption degree varies with the coexisting substances in the foods and structure of food, even if the quantity of fluoride intake is the same. Fifteen rats in three groups had been fed with solid fodder (31.35ppm F), the powder fodder (0.07ppm F) or hypodermic injection (0.2mg F/kg body weight) and the powder fodder for four weeks. The fluoride concentrations in the urine and feces, incisor teeth and femora, and the serum were measured. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows: 1. The fluoride absorption rate of the rats administered with a water-soluble fluoride was 1.5 times higher than that of administered with a solid structure. 2. Although the fluoride was mobilized from the bone as the exchangeable fluoride pool by the lack of fluoride intake, the serum fluoride concentration did not reach the steady state even if the negative fluoride balance had been continued for one month. 3. Although fluoride balance in the rats administered with a water-soluble fluoride was corresponding to 10% of the rats administered with a solid structure (fluoride intake was also 10%), fluoride retention rate was the same degree. 4. It was suggested that the measurement of fluoride excretion in the urine could be useful index to monitor the influence of the water fluoridation.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :