


Title : 女子骨格性下顎前突における顎顔面形態の成長変化およびチンキャップ装置の顎整形的効果
Subtitle :
Authors : 簑島保宏
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 松本歯科大学歯科矯正学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 37
Number : 2/3
Page : 61-75
Year/Month : 2002 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 日本人の下顎前突に関する疫学的調査では, 3歳児で約8~9%から小学校低学年で約4~5%, 小学校高学年以上で約2%へと増齢とともに発現率は減少する報告1~5)がある. また, 矯正歯科治療を希望する患者の15~30%は下顎前突を示し, 不正咬合の中でも最も高い頻度を示している6~14). 下顎前突者は, 5歳以前にすでに顎顔面の形態異常と大きさの相違を呈し15), IIIB期以降, 思春期の下顎骨成長のスパートとともに下顎前突の顎態が一段と増悪することが指摘されている16). 下顎前突の形態的特徴と成長パターンを側貌頭部X線規格写真で把握することは矯正治療上きわめて重要であり, 過去, 横断的資料および縦断的資料から各種年齢分類での成長パターンの特徴の把握が行われている17~33). しかし, 思春期前後の成長パターンの把握が中心であり, さらに, 各種年齢分類間での比較した報告がみられない.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 骨格性下顎前突, チンキャップ装置, 顎整形的効果, 顎整形力


Title : Growth-related Changes of Craniofacial Features and Orthopedic Effects of Chincap Therapy in Female Skeletal 3 Malocclusion
Subtitle :
Authors : Yasuhiro MINOSHIMA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics, Matsumoto Dental University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 37
Number : 2/3
Page : 61-75
Year/Month : 2002 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : In this study, we first recorded the growth pattern of the craniofacial features of patients with untreated female Skeletal 3 malocclusion. Second, for each patient we established the relationship between dental age and chronological age. Although this relationship is widely used in clinical practice, few scientific studies have been published about it. Third, we studied the orthopedic effects of wearing a chincap for short and long periods by comparing the changes of craniofacial features of the two groups at three point in time : pre-treated, post-treated and retention stage. We enrolled 1,586 females with untreated Skeletal 3 malocclusion (3y1m~47y11m). We examined a short-term group of 40 treated patients for which the vertical view is as follows . pre-treatment (T0) 8y4m, post-treatment (T1) 14y4m, retention (T2) 17y7m. The period was 2y5m. We examined a long-term group of 40 treated patients for which T0=8y3m, T1=13y8m, T2=18y4m ; the period was 7y2m. We used the Cephalo Analysis softwere program to set the coordinate axes and to determine the measuring points. We input the changes of 2-dimensional position and analyzed these changes by calculating the x-y coordinates, the distance, and the angle of each measuring point. We found that female Skeletal 3 malocclusion is accompanied by some undergrowth of the maxilla and undergrowth of the mandible. Lower face height of patients increased and the mandibular angle widened with age ; this correlated to a dolico-facial pattern. In order to compare growth change of craniofacial features with orthopedic effects, we find that it is most useful to divide patients into groups, each with a narrow range of chronological age. Furthermore, the dental age commonly used in clinical practice can be used statistically with the aid of the corresponding age. In the long-term group, the orthopedic effects we recorded were 1) backward rotation of mandible, 2) marked narrowing of the gonial angle, and 3) shape change of the mandible by growth inhibition with an absolute value. After patients reached age 17, these effects were permanent.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :