


Title : フタル酸ジエチルヘキシルの内分泌撹乱作用
Subtitle :
Authors : 齋藤大輔, 南田厳司, 石井信之, 尾本直大, 居作和人*, 小鹿真理*, 小園知**, 寺中敏夫
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科保存学講座, *神奈川歯科大学口腔生化学教室, **神奈川歯科大学口腔病理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 37
Number : 2/3
Page : 83-88
Year/Month : 2002 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 近年, 塩化ビニール(polyvinyl chloride, PVC)の使用頻度が高まってきているなかで, PVCの可塑剤として含有されるフタル酸エステル類の溶出とその生体毒性に関して, 内分泌撹乱の観点から広汎な研究が進められてきている. PVCは血液透析チューブ, 呼吸チューブをはじめ, 血液バッグ, 輸液セット, 臍帯カテーテルにと, 医療装置に広く使用されている1~5). 人工透析に使用するPVCチューブから溶出したフタル酸ジエチルヘキシル(phthalic acid di[2-ethylhexyl]ester, DEHP)が人体を汚染している実態や, DEHPが新生児臍帯から高率に検出され, 脂肪1gあたり14~160μgと他の内分泌撹乱物質(ダイオキシン0. 013ng, ポリ塩化ビフェニール(PCB)160ng)に比べ遥かに高い濃度である事が報告されている6)
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : フタル酸ジエチルヘキシル, テストステロン, エストラジオール17β


Title : Endocrine Disrupting for Phthalate Ester in Polyvinyl Chloride
Subtitle :
Authors : Daisuke SAITO, Genshi MINAMIDA, Nobuyuki TANI-ISHII, Naohiro OMOTO, Kazuhito IZUKURI*, Shinri KOSHIKA*, Satoru OZONO**, Toshio TERANAKA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Oral Biochemistry, Kanagawa Dental College, **Department of Oral Pathology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 37
Number : 2/3
Page : 83-88
Year/Month : 2002 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Phthalic acid di [2-ethylhexyl] ester (DEHP) has been suspectedly considered as one of the environmental estrogens. DEHP is mainly used as a plasticizer for medical gloves and denture rebasing material, and significant elution of DEHP from the gloves has been shown. In the present study, we examined the effect of oral administration of DEHP (5, 50, or 500μg/g) on the serum testosterone (T), estradiol-17β (E2) and cholesterol (Chol) levels in prepubertal rats (4 to 11 weeks of age). Rats were killed at 13 weeks of age. The weights of the body, testis, and ovary were not affected by DEHP, and pathological changes were not shown in these tissues in the chemical-treated rats. DEHP had no effect on E2 in males or females or on T in females. However, a significant increase of serum T was shown in male rats treated with 500μg/g of DEHP. DEHP did not affect the serum cholesterol level. The studies suggested that a DEHP diet at 500μg/g affected Leydig cells, and not theca/granulosa cells.
Practice : Dentistry
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