


Title : 7年間のフッ化物洗口法プログラムによるう蝕抑制効果
Subtitle :
Authors : 薄井司文歩, 黒羽加寿美, 戸田真司, 川村和章, 木本一成, 平田幸夫, 荒川浩久
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 38
Number : 1
Page : 30-37
Year/Month : 2003 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 静岡県の東部に位置する函南町では, 平成5年に安全で快適な町づくりを目指して, 出生から老人までの各ライフステージに対応した町の保健計画1)を策定した. その中の学校歯科保健事業推進に関する専門的な技術支援について, 当教室が依頼を受けて協力することになった. 保健計画策定前の平成4年度町内全小学校の歯科保健状況は, 永久歯う蝕経験者率(DMF者率)が67. 3%, 一人平均う蝕経験歯数(DMFT指数)が2. 0であり, 就学前の乳歯う蝕経験者率(df者率)は幼稚園が89. 7%, 保育園が84. 5%であった. 当時の静岡県児童平均のDMF者率が58. 7%でDMFT指数が1. 8であったことから, 函南町の子供たちの口腔内環境は県下でも悪い状況であると判断された. 函南町では, 未処置う蝕所有者に対する受診勧告と乳幼児期における歯科衛生士等によるう蝕予防対策を従来から徹底してきたものの, 学童期における対策は保護者もしくは各学校に任せるだけで, フッ化物(F)応用などの公衆衛生的施策による積極的なう蝕予防対策を講じていなかったことがう蝕の多い要因として挙げられた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : fluoride application, school-based fluoride mouthrinsing program, dental caries prevention


Title : Effectiveness of School-based Fluoride Mouthrinsing Program for Seven Years on Dental Caries Prevention
Subtitle :
Authors : Shizuho USUI, Kazumi KUROHA, Shinji TODA, Kazuaki KAWAMURA, Kazunari KIMOTO, Yukio HIRATA, Hirohisa ARAKAWA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health and Public Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 38
Number : 1
Page : 30-37
Year/Month : 2003 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : A health program for preventing dental caries has been conducted at Kannami city in Shizuoka since 1993. Kindergarten children and elementary schoolchildren aged from four to eleven-years were involved in this program. This program consisted of oral health education,dental examination and fluoride mouthrinsing (FMR). This study evaluated the effectiveness of this school-based FMR program on dental caries prevention which was administered by the city office for seven years. The subjects were 522 elementary schoolchildren in the city school, who had participated in the FMR program from four to eleven years old. The method of FMR used in this program was as follows : 30-sec mouthrinse once a week using 450 ppm F (as NaF) solution at four years old ; and 60-see mouthrinse once a week using 900 ppm F (as NaF) solution from five to eleven years old. The school pharmacist prepared the fluoride solutions for each class on the day of mouthrinsing, and staff of the Town Health Center delivered the fluoride solutions and the other equipment for this program to each school. Well-trained dentists conducted an oral examination every April for seven years according to precise criteria including dental caries and plaque. The DMFT and DMFS Index at eleven years old in 2000 were 1.27 and 2.12, whereas those of the same aged children who had not experienced FMR in 1993 were 4.11 and 6.91 respectively. The decrease of DMFT and DMFS Index at each age ranged from 53 to 77%. Furthermore, the DMFT Index of these schoolchildren at 2000 showed statistically significant differences in all ages compared with that of a national survey in 1999. In Japan, the fluoridation of water has not been enforced, and other systemic fluoride applications have not been developed. Therefore, continuation of the FMR program as an alternative to fluoridation of water is desirable. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that other regions in Japan should consider introducing the FMR program.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : fluoride application, school-based fluoride mouthrinsing program, dental caries prevention