


Title : ポリホスホセリンを応用した齲蝕予防と修復に関する基礎的研究
Subtitle :
Authors : 山口三菜, 進士久明, 倉田茂昭*, 山本浩之**
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学成長発達歯科学講座小児歯科学分野, *神奈川歯科大学生体材料器械学講座, **信州大学繊維学部高分子工業施設
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 39
Number : 2/3
Page : 76-85
Year/Month : 2004 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 幼若永久歯は, 萌出直後では歯質が未成熟であるため齲蝕感受性が高い1, 2). なかでも, 第一大臼歯は小窩裂溝が複雑な形態であり3)小窩裂溝の侵入状態も様々であるうえ4), 咬合平面の高さにまで萌出するのに時間がかかるためプラークの除去が難しい. 長坂ら5)によると, 咬合面が対合歯と接触している歯と比較し, 萌出途上歯のほうがプラークの付着量が多いと報告さている. 平成11年度厚生労働省歯科疾患実態調査報告6)によると, 6歳児の齲蝕有病者率は8.8%であるのに対し, 7歳児では20.7%, 8歳児では42.2%と増加している. このことからも, 幼若永久歯は萌出途上で高頻度に齲蝕罹患していることが窺える. 小児歯科臨床においては, 幼若永久歯の重要な齲蝕予防処置の一つとして, 小窩裂溝填塞が挙げられる. 小窩裂溝填塞とは, 齲蝕好発部位となる複雑な形態の小窩裂溝を小窩裂溝填塞材によって形態学的に単純化して, 清掃性の向上と齲蝕誘発性物質を付着しにくくすることによって齲蝕予防の効果を期待するものである.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 齲蝕予防, 石灰化, ポリホスホセリン


Title : Fundamental Research of Preventive and Restorative Treatment Applied Phosphoserine Polymer
Subtitle :
Authors : Mina YAMAGUCHI, Hisaaki SHINJI, Shigeaki KURATA*, Hiroyuki YAMAMOTO**
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Craniofacial Growth and Developmental Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Division, Kanagawa Dental College, *Biomaterials and Devices, Kanagawa Dental College, **Institute of High Polymer Research, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 39
Number : 2/3
Page : 76-85
Year/Month : 2004 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : To develop new calcified material using a calcification mechanism of phosphoserine polymer (Poly [Ser (P)]) , without use of etching for adhesion to a pit and fissure sealants and small cavity restorations on enamel, fundamental research was carried out on a reaction of Poly [Ser (P)] and calcium ion or apatite. Hydroxyapatite (HAP) was added to 1 ml of 500 μm/ml of poly (phosphoserine) (Poly [Ser (P)] ), and the solution was stirred for 60 min. After centrifugation, the supernatant was filtered, and Poly [Ser (P)] in the filtrate without adsorption onto HAP was analyzed by gel permeation chromatography. Copolymer of phosphoserine and aspartic acid (Copoly [Ser (P)50 Asp50]), poly (aspartic acid) (Poly (Asp)), phosphoserine (Ser (P)) , and phosvitin were used as the comparative compounds. The reactivity among the calcium ion and the polymers and Ser(P) in aqueous solution was estimated from the determination of free calcium ion in the solution and by potentiometric titration. The enamel surface of bovine teeth, that was treated with Poly [Ser (P)] followed by immersed in tricalcium phosphate saturated solution for 30 days, was observed by the electron probe micro scope analyzer (EMA). The amount of the polymers and Ser (P) adsorbed onto HAP was 100 mass% to Poly [Ser (P)], 78% to Copoly [Ser (P)50 Asp50], 59% to Poly (Asp), 22% to Ser (P) after immersion for 5min, respectively and that of phosvitin was 90% after 60min. The reactivity of Poly [Ser (P)] to HAP was high and rapid rather than that of phosvitin. The binding ratio of calcium ion to the polymers and Ser (P) in the aqueous solution was about 41 mole% to Poly [Ser (P)], 20% to Copoly [Ser (P)50 Asp50], 2% to Poly (Asp), and 36% phosvitin, respectively. Poly [Ser (P)] was more reactive to calcium ion in all polymers in this study. It was recognized from EMA observation that the enamel surface of bovine teeth applied Poly [Ser (P)] was covered with crystalloid. We may conclude that Poly [Ser (P)] was of a compound to promote the remineralization on an enamel surface.
Practice : Dentistry
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