


Title : 神奈川歯科大学における2004年8月から2005年2月までの法医解剖例の概要
Subtitle : 速報
Authors : 岡田祐佳, 津田征郎*, 山田良広**, 高橋常男*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 慶應義塾大学医学部法医学教室, *神奈川歯科大学基礎医歯学系人体学講座 肉眼解剖学・臨床解剖学分野, **神奈川歯科大学社会医歯学系社会歯科学講座法医学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 40
Number : 2
Page : 131-134
Year/Month : 2005 / 12
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 神奈川歯科大学では平成16年8月から, 横浜市監察医の津田征郎先生を客員教授として迎え, 本学基礎医歯学系人体学講座肉眼解剖学, 臨床解剖学分野の高橋常男教授が中心となり, 解剖棟を一部改良し『神奈川県死因調査事務所』を立ち上げた. 本学では以前, 横浜市監察医でもあった横地千傍教授が在任中法医解剖を行っていたが, 横地教授の退任後は行われていなかった. 今回, 本学での法医解剖の再開は神奈川県特に三浦半島地域で検案あるいは法医解剖の必要があるご遺体が年々増加していることもあり, 横須賀警察署などから本学に対して解剖実務の再開に対する強い要望があったことが背景にある. まだ立ち上げて間もないが約半年間の取り組みをここに報告するとともに, 歯科医師として解剖実務に参加した観点から, 歯科医師と法医学との関わりを考えてみたい. [何故法医歯科は必要か] 1. 歯科医師の役割 何故法医学に, 法医歯科学(法歯学)が必要なのか. それは, 主として歯学に関連して歯科医師と患者との間に生じた民法上, 刑法上の問題を歯学, 医学または自然科学の知識をもって解決すること.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 個人識別, 法医解剖, 検案


Title : Summary of forensic autopsy cases at Kanagawa Dental College, from August 2004 to February 2005
Subtitle :
Authors : Yuka OKADA, Yukio TSUDA*, Yoshihiro YAMADA**, Tsuneo TAKAHASHI*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Legal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University, *Department of Anatomy, Division of Gross Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy, **Department of Dental Sociology, Division of Forensic Medicine
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 40
Number : 2
Page : 131-134
Year/Month : 2005 / 12
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Forensic autopsy cases examined at Kanagawa Dental College, from August 2004 to February 2005, were studied retrospectively. There were 91 cases (63 males, 28 females) during these 7 months. The patients ages ranged from 0 to 94 years with a mean age of 62.8 years. Twenty-one cases were judicial autopsies, 26 were cases of administrative autopsies and 21 were cases of consent autopsies (carried out with the agreement of the family of the deceased). In the remaining 23 cases a post-mortem inspection took place. The most frequent cause of death was internal hemorrhage of the brain (nine cases) followed by death by drowning. The field of forensic dentistry or forensic odontology has existed for many years. Involvement in the legal aspects of dentistry has become increasingly popular during the last ten years. Any death investigation must begin with the identification of the deceased. Forensic dentists are asked by the police investigators to examine the body to confirm the identity. Identification of a dead body is based on the fact that each human is considered to be unique. Some characteristics (for example, certain dental restorations) are so highly specific that an identification can be made on this basis alone. Medical examiners are increasingly turning to the dental profession to aid in this endeavor. Most forensic dentistry appointments are made at the discretion of medical examiners, so it is worthwhile making the effort to get to know them. Medical examiners are highly trained and can be of tremendous assistance in advancing a forensic dentist's career. Forensic dentists must establish the scientific basis of their decisions when testifying in court as forensic experts. Personal experience and training, as well as independent verification from forensic colleagues, is the best way to achieve this. Join the forensic organizations. Develop friendships with seasoned forensic medical doctors. It is impossible for a dentist working alone to know everything. The best results come from using a team approach. Forensic dentistry is a specialty area within forensic autopsy and overlaps with many disciplines including anthropology, pathology, photography, death investigation and criminology, to name a few.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :