


Title : 顎顔面の成長発育に伴う咬合高径・咬合平面および前後的咬合関係の変化に関する縦断的研究
Subtitle :
Authors : 金 貞一, 檜山雄彦, 秋本 進, 進士久明
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学成長発達歯科学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 41
Number : 1
Page : 31-42
Year/Month : 2006 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 緒言 成長発育に伴う咬合系の変化は, 成長期の小児を取り扱う歯科領域において中心的な課題であり, とくに不正咬合の予防や早期治療を実践する上で重要な課題となっている. 乳歯列咬合から混合歯列咬合, さらに永久歯列咬合へと変化していく過程は, ヒトの生涯において最も咬合変化の激しい時期であり, この過程を経て機能的な咬合を完成していく重要な時期である. しかし, 同時にこれらの変化に伴って咬合系あるいは骨格系の不正が発現し易い時期でもあり, 歯科医学的に極めて関心の高い時期でもある. 乳歯咬合期の顎顔面骨格は, II級という下顎が後退した形態を示すのが普通である. それゆえ, 乳歯列咬合も, 下顎後退型の咬頭嵌合が通常である. 乳歯列の咬合の評価は, 一般的に第2乳臼歯の遠心面の関係によって判断される1, 2). すなわち, 正常な発育を示す個体では, 乳歯咬合期には上下の第2乳臼歯の遠心面が垂直的な場合が多く, 垂直型とよばれている. 第1大臼歯の萌出によって最初の混合歯咬合が確立されるが, 永久歯咬合における正常な大臼歯の関係は, Angleの分類で第1級とされている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 咬合高径, 不正咬合, 下顎の成長


Title : Longitudinal Study Regarding Relationship among Vertical Dimension of Occlusion, Cant of Occlusal Plane and Antero-posterior Occlusal Relation
Subtitle :
Authors : Jeong II KIM, Takehiko HIYAMA, Susumu AKIMOTO, Hisaaki SHINJI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Cranio-facial Growth and Development Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 41
Number : 1
Page : 31-42
Year/Month : 2006 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The alteration of the vertical height of dentition and the inclination and position of the occlusal plane relative to the crania-facial complex during growth and development are only poorly established. In order to examine the relationship between the vertical dimension change and the growth of the maxillo-facial complex with mixed dentition, we applied denture frame analysis including the measures of vertical dental and skeletal height, and maxillo-mandibular growth. The materials used in this study were consisted of 225 pair of dental cast in occlusion and lateral cephalogram of 25 children who were part of Kanagawa Dental College longitudinal growth study and whose samples were available at 6 through 14 years of age, taken every year with their radiograph and impression. We observed their occlusion and growth in the stages of initial stage, beginning of IIIB, end of IIIB, and final stage (completion of occlusion). Considerable side of dentition (58%) obtained Class I molar relation before exchanging buccal segment of deciduous teeth and almost of the Class II at the beginning of IIIB showed Class II occlusion at the final occlusion stage, indicating rarely available leeway apace for obtaining Class I molar relationship in dental occlusal growth. The Class II skeletal group showed a significantly higher eruption of lower first molar in the stages of beginning of IIIB and end of IIIB, while Class III skeletal group showed a significantly higher eruption of upper first molar at the final stage of dental growth. There were significant differences of posterior occlusal plane in different skeletal frames, steeper posterior occlusal plane in Class II skeletal and flat posterior occlusal plane in Class III skeletal frame. Significant correlation between the total increment of vertical dimension and the mandibular forward growth was observed. The results of this study suggested that the increase of vertical dimension and inclination of the posterior occlusal plane contribute to growth of the mandible and to obtaining Class I molar relation rather than leeway space and that improper vertical dimension and inclination of posterior occlusal plane related with the development of skeletal malocclusions.
Practice : Dentistry
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