


Title : 咀嚼器官によるストレス誘導・発散機構の解明
Subtitle : 神奈川歯科大学学会 第41回総会宿題報告
Authors : 笹栗健一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 成長発達歯科学講座歯科矯正学分野 咬合医学研究所 高次脳・口腔科学研究センター
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 42
Number : 1
Page : 68-72
Year/Month : 2007 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」一般に多くの歯科臨床家は, 経験則として不正な咬合治療が咬合機能不全を誘発し, 全身に対して何らかの悪影響を及ぼし, 逆にその改善は, 一部全身機能の改善を認めることを実感として懐いている. サルを用いた動物実験1)では, その上顎大臼歯・小臼歯部を覆うスプリント装着による実験的咬合機能異常は, 尿中コルチゾールを上昇させ, さらに尿量の減少ならびに体重減少を引き起こす事が報告され, また, 齧歯類の前歯部にレジンキャップを被せる咬合機能異常を付与したものでも, 血漿コルチコステロンが上昇することが報告されている2). これらの結果は, 咬合機能の異常が, 高次脳に作用して慢性ストレスを誘発し, 全身に影響を及ぼしうる可能性があることを示唆している. その一方で, 実験動物に対して情動ストレスの一つである拘束ストレスを与えながら咬合運動(Biting)を行なわせると, そのストレス応答を抑制させる働きがあることが明らかとなった3~6).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : fMRI, ストレス, ブラックスチェッカー, パラファンクション


Title : Elucidation of inducement or release mechanism of stress by masticatory organ
Subtitle :
Authors : Kenichi SASAGURI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics Research Institute of Occlusion Medicine, Research Center of Brain and Oral Science, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 42
Number : 1
Page : 68-72
Year/Month : 2007 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Some dentists have occasionally experienced that in patients either following an inadequate occlusal reconstruction or with a malocclusion influences the whole body harmfully. In contrast, some of these unexplained physical symptoms in dental patients are improved by an appropriate approach for occlusal reconstruction. It was reported that, an artificially occlusal interference using splints on upper premolars and molars, have induced urinary cortisol excretion rate, significant decreased volume of urinary and body weight in macaque monkeys. Furthermore, occlusal disharmony associated with incisor cap increased plasma corticosterone in rat. These results may possible suggested that occlusal dysfunction cause chronic stress through central nervous system and might influence the whole body harmfully. On the other hand, we have already reported that emotional stress, such as acute restraint and immobilization stress, induce the some protein regulation in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, however biting behavior reduced the expression the proteins during stress. These findings suggested that protective and/or anti-stress effect and may play an important role of pare-functional masticatory activity for the acute stress management. From the above mentioned things, the masticatory organ is not only functioning for mastication, phonation and swallowing but also may play role for stress management. The purpose of the present study to clarify by the process of constructing the newly diagnosis and therapeutics based on these findings.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : fMRI