


Title : 口腔内組織(歯牙と口腔粘膜細胞)に由来するDNAを用いた個人識別
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 北川有華, 大平寛, 山室好生, 山本伊佐夫, 小林範彦, 山田良広
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学社会歯科学講座法医学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 43
Number : 1
Page : 44-48
Year/Month : 2008 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」災害や事件, 事故で身元確認が必要な遺体が発生し容姿や所持品などで身元確認ができない場合, 現在の個人識別手段は指紋, 歯牙所見そしてDNA鑑定である1). 遺体の状態が完全遺体で腐敗がなければ指紋, 腐敗が著しければ歯牙所見, 頭部を含まない部分遺体 ではDNA鑑定が基本である. 手段に経過時間を考慮するならば, 死後早い時期であれば指紋あるいは歯牙所見を用い, 死体現象が進行していればDNA鑑定がそれぞれ行われている. 著者らは歯牙所見による身元確認を遺体の歯牙所見と生前の歯科資料を比較して行っている. 対照資料は歯科診療録・エックス線フィルム・スタディモデルの 他, 技工指示書, 歯科衛生記録および学校歯科検診票などを用いている. しかし, 遺体の生前歯科資料がない場合, 例えば治療痕や歯科医院への通院歴がない, 通院歴が古く歯科診療録の保存義務期間の5年2)を過ぎていたり, 永久歯列なのに乳歯記録しか残っていない場合などは, 歯牙所見による身元確認は不可能でDNA鑑定を選択している. DNA鑑定による身元確認を行う場合, DNA抽出源として口腔粘膜細胞(スワブと略されることが多い)を選ぶことが多い.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : DNA, STR, 個人識別, 口腔内組織


Title : Personal identification using DNA from oral tissues (dental pulp and oral mucosa)
Subtitle :
Authors : Yuka KITAGAWA, Hiroshi OHIRA, Yoshio YAMAMURO, Isao YAMAMOTO, Norihiko KOBAYASHI, Yoshihiro YAMADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Forensic Medicine, Department of Dental Sociology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 43
Number : 1
Page : 44-48
Year/Month : 2008 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Recently, fingerprints, dental findings and DNA have been used for personal identification of unidentified human remains. For complete and uncorrupted remains, fingerprinting can be used for personal identification, whereas dental records can be used in the case of complete but corrupted remains. Partial remains require the use of DNA analysis. For victims of accidents or disasters, fingerprints can be used in the first instance, followed by dental findings and then DNA, according to the state of the remains. Personal identification from dental findings requires data obtained during life, including X-ray films, study casts, order sheets to dental technologists, and so on. However, if these are not available, for example, if dental records have exceeded their term of storage (five years) and been disposed of, individuals have never visited a dental clinic, or the records were obtained at preschool age, then DNA from unidentified remains must be compared with that of living family members for personal identification. In this study (case report 1, 2) we used material obtained from dental pulp and oral mucosa. DNA was extracted from oral mucosa with phenol and chloroform. For dental pulp, DNA was extracted with phenol and chloroform initially, then treated with Quick Gene DNA tissue Kits S (FUJI FILM) to remove any inhibitor substances. After extraction of the DNA, we amplified it by polymerise chain reaction, and then analyzed human mitochondrial DNA and the STR (short tandem repeat) of nuclear DNA. Extraction of DNA from oral mucosa is easy, and can be done without damaging tissue remains. However, extraction of DNA from dental pulp is labor- and time-consuming, and requires tooth extraction.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : DNA, STR