


Title : プラズマ処理咬合接触解析装置の開発およびその応用 ―歯肉溝滲出液中のラクトフェリンと睡眠ブラキシズム時の咬合接触との関係―
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 児玉拓郎, 小野寺寛司, 笹栗健一, 塗々木和男*, 吉成正雄**, 佐藤貞雄
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学成長発達歯科学講座歯科矯正学分野, *湘南短期大学歯科衛生学科, **東京歯科大学口腔科学研究センター口腔インプラント学研究部門
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 44
Number : 1
Page : 24-35
Year/Month : 2009 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科の二大疾患として齲蝕と歯周病があげられ, これらの原因としては, Streptococcus mutansやPorphyromonas gingivalisを代表とする細菌が主因であると示されている1,2). 歯科臨床では, 齲蝕や歯周病の主原因である細菌を排除する方法として, セルフケア, プロフェッショナルケアなどの概念により, ブラッシングによる物理的清掃と歯磨材, 洗口剤による化学的清掃といった方法が行われている. 近年, これらの疾患の罹患率は減少傾向にある3)が, 垂直性歯槽骨吸収を伴う局所的に急速に進行する歯周病の問題は, なお未解決の課題として残されている. 歯周病に関して注目すべき原因因子のひとつに, 咬合性因子があげられ1900年代初頭から論争が続いている. Glickman(1955)9-6)は, 咬合性因子のうち外傷性咬合が歯周病の促進因子であるという仮説を提案した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 睡眠ブラキシズム, 歯周病, ラクトフェリン


Title : Development of Plasma Treated BruxChecker for Simultaneous Analyzing Occlusal Contact and Gingival Crevice Fluid
Subtitle :
Authors : Takuro KODAMA, Kanji ONODERA, Kenichi SASAGURI, Kazuo TODOKI*, Masao YOSHINARI**, Sadao SATO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Research Institute of Occlusion Medicine, Research Center of Brain and Oral Science, Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Dental Hygiene, Division of Oral Science and Pharmacology, Shonan Junior College, **Division of Oral Implants Research, Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 44
Number : 1
Page : 24-35
Year/Month : 2009 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Since the proposition of theory that traumatic occlusion could act as a cofactor in the periodontitis (Glickman 1955), controversial argues has been still prevailed whether traumatic tooth contact contribute to the progression of periodontitis or not, larger because there were no direct evidences between them. In this study, we develop new device, by which it could be possible to analyze tooth contact pattern during bruxism and bio-marker of gingival crevicular fluids, simultaneously. Outer surface was for analyzing tooth contact, inner surface was for trapping crevicular fluids and then visualize crevice lactoferrin (Lf) contents by immunological technique. The device revealed that although incisor-canine (IC) contact group showed board Lf expression in the dentition, incisor-canine-premolar (ICP) and incisor-canine-premolar-molar (ICPM) contact groups indicated more Lf expression in the premolar and molar area than those of IC group. Results of coincidence between the occlusal contacts and the Lf expression demonstrated that coincidence was located in the anterior segment in the IC group, while coincidence was seen in the premolar and molar parts in the cases of ICP and ICPM groups. From these findings, it was concluded that there was somewhat correlation between the occlusal contact during sleep bruxism and the expression of Lf in the gingival crevicular fluid.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :