


Title : 個人識別におけるミトコンドリアDNA Hyper-Variable region 3の有用性の検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山室好生, 大平寛, 山本伊佐夫
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学社会医歯学系社会歯科学講座法医学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 44
Number : 1
Page : 48-54
Year/Month : 2009 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」ヒトのミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)は, 細胞内小器官であるミトコンドリアに存在する, 16569塩基対からなる環状二重鎖DNAであり, その全塩基配列はAndersonら1)によって決定された. mtDNAは, 殆んどがコード領域であるが, 約1,000塩基からなる非コード領域を含んでおり, その一部をD-loop領域と定義している. コード領域においてはPoint Mutation(点変異)が認められ疾病との関連が報告され, 研究が進んでいる2,3). D-loop領域には塩基置換の蓄積した超可変領域(Hypervariable region:HV)が存在しており4-7), 個人識別に応用されている8-15). またmtDNAは母系遺伝する16-19)ことや, mtDNAは核DNAと比較して, 哺乳動物において1細胞あたり103から104コピー以上存在する20)ことから非常に低分子化したサンプルや, 極微量, もしくは陳旧・劣化したサンプルからでもPCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction)増幅21)が可能である22-27).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 個人識別, ミトコンドリアDNA, 超可変領域, HV3


Title : Examination of efficacy of identification in mitochondrial DNA Hyper-Variable region 3
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshio YAMAMURO, Hiroshi OHIRA, Isao YAMAMOTO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Forensic medicine, Department of Dental Sociology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 44
Number : 1
Page : 48-54
Year/Month : 2009 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Because mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has more than 103 copies in mammalian cells, PCR amplification is possible from a very small sample of tissue, even when it is old and deteriorated. MtDNA can be extracted and amplified from samples that would be unable for nuclear DNA analysis. Therefore, mtDNA is a very effective tool for DNA testing. Recently, as well as HV1 and HV2, a new area called HV3 has been acknowledged, and basic data have been accumulated. In the present study, we extracted DNA from 86 deciduous teeth from unrelated Japanese individuals, and subjected it to direct sequencing of the HV1, HV2, and HV3 areas to identify the base substitution type in each area. Moreover, genetic diversity (GD), random match probability (RMP), and the haplotypes in each area were calculated to compare polymorphisms and frequency, with reference to the effectiveness of the HV3 area. GD and RMP were 0.9761 and 3.51% for HV1, 0.9679 and 4.33% for HV2, and 0.7447 and 26.39% for HV3, respectively. Furthermore, comparison of the GD and RMP calculated for HV1 and HV2 combined with those of HV1, HV2 and HV3 combined yielded values of 0.9961 and 1.54%, and 0.9967 and 1.49%, respectively. These results suggested that a combination of HV1, HV2 and HV3 would be more useful for polymorphism analysis than a combination of HV1 and HV2. In addition, we examined the haplotypes among the three areas. Based on HV1 in the combined area of HV1 and HV2, 67 samples (77.91%) had a unique haplotype. Five kinds of haplotype were found to be common to two samples (11.63%), and three kinds of haplotype were common to three samples (10.46%). In the same way, with the combination of HV1, HV2 and HV3, 68 samples (79.07%) had a unique haplotype. Six kinds of haplotype were found to be common to two samples (13.95%), and two kinds of haplotype were common to three samples (6.98%). These results suggest that the frequency of polymorphisms in HV3. Analysis can be very useful for individual identification when combined with the other two regions.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :