


Title : 鹿児島県の茶の産地と非産地における乳歯う蝕有病状況の比較
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 植松道夫, 小宮山佳鈴, 小宮山絵梨, 川田和重, 大野素史, 久保田友嘉, 黒羽加寿美, 荒川浩久
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学健康科学講座口腔保健学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 44
Number : 2
Page : 128-132
Year/Month : 2009 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 茶は江戸時代から庶民に飲まれるようになり, 長い間身近な飲み物として定着している. 茶葉にはフッ化物(以下“F”とする)が多く含まれており, わが国でも昭和30~40年代に茶からのF摂取の研究報告が数編あった1-3). その後は, 茶のF含有量と浸出液中のF濃度の報告4-9)や昭和40~60年代には茶のう蝕予防効果に関する研究10-13)もなされた. 著者らは飲用緑茶のF濃度は煎じ方により変化することを報告した9). 引き続き, わが国の乳幼児を対象とした飲茶ならびに茶の煎じ方に関する質問紙調査によって, 茶所に住んでいる者の方が煎茶を多く飲むことが推測できた14). 以上の研究成果から, 茶所の乳幼児は茶からのF摂取が多く, そのFが全身的ならびに局所的に作用して乳歯う蝕の予防に貢献しているという仮説が生まれた. 鹿児島県は昭和40年ごろから茶産地づくりの積極的な茶業振興施策を行い, 平成19年度全国荒茶生産では静岡県に次いで第二位で, 国内生産の1/4を占めている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 飲茶, 荒茶生産, 乳歯う蝕, フッ化物


Title : Comparison of prevalence of dental caries in primary dentition in areas where much tea is produced with that in areas where little tea is produced in Kagoshima Prefecture
Subtitle :
Authors : Michio UEMATSU, Karin KOMIYAMA, Eri KOMIYAMA, Kazushige KAWATA, Motofumi OHNO, Tomoka KUBOTA, Kazumi KUROHA, Hirohisa ARAKAWA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Oral Health, Department of Health Science, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 44
Number : 2
Page : 128-132
Year/Month : 2009 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The objective of this study was to compare the prevention effect of dental caries in primary dentition under the hypothesis that fluoride intake from daily drinking green tea has the favorable effect in Japan where systemic fluoride application is not available. In 2005, we compared prevalence of dental caries and dmft index in primary dentition of 18-month-old children and three-year-old children in areas where much tea is produced with that in areas where little tea is produced in Kagoshima Prefecture. Prevalence rate of dental caries was significantly lower in children of both age groups in areas where much tea is produced than in areas where little tea is produced. There was no significant difference in dmft index for 18-month-old children, however the index was significantly lower in 3-year-old children in areas where much tea is produced than in areas where little tea is produced. These results suggest that the caries prevalence in primary dentition is lower in areas where much tea is produced than in areas where little tea is produced and caries could be prevented by taking daily fluoride from drinking green tea in infants.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :