


Title : 改良型II型フレンケル装置(mFR-II)による成長期下顎後退症の治療効果
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山内雅人, 小田博雄*, 草柳真理子, 佐久間秀二, 大場純, 宮澤幸紀子, 小野崎純
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学付属横浜研修センター臨床歯科学系総合歯科学講座矯正歯科学分野, *神奈川歯科大学成長発達歯科学講座歯科矯正学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 45
Number : 2
Page : 100-113
Year/Month : 2010 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科矯正臨床において下顎後退症を主徴とする上顎前突は, 開咬や下顎側方偏位などの骨格的な異常や口腔周囲筋や舌運動の不調和を随伴症状としていることが多いため, 様々な機能的, 審美的障害を引き起こす. また, その治療は下顎骨の形態的な劣成長や後方回転, さらに変形を基盤としているために1), 困難で長期間にわたる事が多く, 最終的には外科矯正治療を適応せざるを得ない症例も少なくない2). フレンケル装置は1966年にRolf Frankelによって考案された可撤式矯正装置で, 口唇や頬などの口腔周囲筋の異常筋圧を排除し, 顎骨ならびにその歯槽部を適正なスペースに誘導することにより, 機能的要素も含めた顎顔面複合体の成長を正常軌道に戻す効果を有する3~4). 特にII型フレンケル装置(FR-II)は成長期の下顎後退症患者に対して, 上顎大臼歯の咬合面レストにより下顎が構成咬合位から安静位に戻ろうとする際に発生する力に拮抗し, 頬側のベスティブラシールドとリップシールド, 舌側のリンガルシールドにより装置を安定化させ, 構成咬合位によって規定される前下方向のスペースに下顎を誘導する.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : フレンケル装置, 下顎後退症, 成長発育, スピー彎曲


Title : Modified Function Regulator II (mFR-II) Treatment of Class II Malocculusions with Mandibular Retrusion
Subtitle :
Authors : Masato YAMAUCHI, Hiroo ODA*, Mariko KUSAYANAGI, Syuji SAKUMA, Jun OBA, Yukiko MIYAZAWA, Jun ONOZAKI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Orthodontics, Comprehensive Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College Yokohama Clinical Education Center, *Division of Orthodontics, Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 45
Number : 2
Page : 100-113
Year/Month : 2010 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : 「Abstract」The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of modified function regulator .II (mFR-II) on dentoskeletal components in the correction of Class II malocclusions with mandibular retrusion on preadolescent children. 9 patients (4 males and 5 females. mean age, 9 years 3 month) with severe degree of curve of spee were treated by mFR-II with lip seal training. To facilitate maxillary growth restriction, an additional occlusal rest on the upper premolars (deciduous molars) was devised as modified FR-II. The initial construction bite was taken with the mandible in a forward position of only 2 to 4 mm. After first active treatment phase (mean period, 19.8month), conventional cephalometric analyses and percentile growth curves of craniofacial components were used to determine the dental and skeletal adaptations. Skeletal adaptations due to treatment included a decrease both in the horizontal growth of maxilla and vertical growth of posterior part of that. The increase of mandibular length and ramus height were principal skeletal effect, whereas no statistically significant in increase of the mandibular body length. Dentoalveolar increase in the normal vertical movement of the lower molars and a decrease in that of the upper molars were observed. Slight posterior movement of upper incisor and anterior tipping of lower incisor were observed involving of counterclockwise rotation of palatal and mandibular plane. A decrease in the angle of difference between the functional occlusal plane and mandibular occlusal plane was statistically significant. These observations indicate that dentoskeletal changes induced by mFR-II with additional occlusal rest and small step of construction bite could improve clinical outcome of function regulator including relative decrease on the degree of curve of spee.
Practice : Dentistry
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